Chapter 29

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"Solbi, are you sure about this? You still want to go through with it?" Changbin asks as we walk through the halls in the evening.

"More sure than ever. What happened earlier changes nothing, Changbin." I answer, continuing to look straight forward.

Not bothering to knock on the door, I walk straight into manager Nim's office. Hoseok's manager. Looking up in surprise, he finds me in front of his desk as Changbin simply stands by the door.

"Sir, I do believe I clarified last week that Hoseok was not to undergo any repercussions." I tell him as I look over the black gloves that cover my hands though have the fingers cut at the knuckles.

I'm dressed in my normal attire. I've got on black ripped jeans, my combat boots, a light blue tank top that's got a white and purple area on the side that reaches halfway across my stomach as if it had been torched there, and a black jacket. Being dressed in a way that helps give off the badass - not fucking around vibe tends to help in these types of situations.

"You did, Ms. Yun. What exactly can I do for you?" He asks, hesitance in his voice. I smirk at his hesitance, lifting my eyes up to look him in the eye.

"Sir, I do believe that you've been doing quite the opposite. As a matter of fact, I hear that you're planning to cut a lot of Hoseok's parts in this album that they're meant to be releasing soon. You've not been on your best behavior nor have you been listening to the instructions given to you." I speak, informing him of the things I know.

His eyes grow wide as he pushes his chair back from his desk. Taking the opportunity, I hook my foot at the edge of his desk before shoving it. His desk quickly goes toppling over as he hurried to stand up, looking up at me with eyes wider than before if that's possible.

"W-What're you doing here? What do you want from me?" He sputters out as he steps from around his desk. Bad move on his part. Swinging my leg up, I kick him in the side.

"I want you to learn a lesson, Sir. I warned you that you didn't want to fuck with me. Yet you blatantly have been disobeying exactly what I had instructed you not to do." I snap before punching him in the face.

"How do you even know any of this?!" He questions. Looking over at Changbin with a smirk, I turn back to the older man in front of me before throwing another punch.

"She has her ways, Sir. She's the last person you ever would want to cross. Yet you did it anyway even after she directly told you that you didn't want to do that. That's your fuck up." Changbin answers his question as I throw more punches and kicks.


As I walk past our managers office to head back to the practice room, a frown pulls onto my face as I hear noise. Turning to look in the window of his door, my eyes widen at the scene going down in there.

Running as quickly as I can, I rush off to the practice room where the rest of the boys are at. When I reach the door, I throw it open.

"Namjoon. Yoongi. You two with me, NOW!" I yell at them. With wide eyes, they listen and follow after me as I leave the doorway again. I hear the door fly shut behind me before the two boys are by my side.

I don't say anything but point at the door when we reach our managers office. I watch their eyes widen before they burst in there.

"Ara! Stop! What the hell are you doing?!" Namjoon shouts as the three of us rush in.

She stops her movements as she turns to look at us. Rolling her eyes, she stands completely upright as she turns her attention back to the man in front of her.

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