Chapter 32

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After about a minute of the group hug, they all release us and we all pull away. They've all got smiles on their faces but I can't seem to find one for myself.

"Hoseok, I think you have some unfinished work." Jin tells the younger boy tightly with a stern look on his face as he speaks with his hand on his shoulder. With that, the six of them give me another smile before walking out of the room and close the door behind them.

"He wants us to fix things..." He explains, not looking up at me. I just roll my eyes at him, turning and walking away over to where my iPod is.

"Yeah, well that's on you, Hoseok. There's no reason to fix what's broke if you don't want it fixed." I answer coldly, stopping by my bottle to take another drink.

"Ara, I'd like to fix things but you're so damn cold! You're unbelievably frustrating! You don't seem to want to have anything to do with anyone anymore!" He groans in frustration. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah? That's what happens when all the fucking warmth leaves you long behind. Why bother fixing something that everyone keeps breaking like it's nothing, Hoseok?" I snap. He sighs, irritation clearly growing. He just shakes his head, glaring at me though I can see past it to the hurt that's buried in him.

"You know what? It was a mistake to come here. I'm sorry for bothering you." He says softly before walking out of the room, weakly attempting to slam the door behind him.

I just roll my eyes as I run a hand tiredly through my hair. Looking at the closed door, I can feel the coldness in me fall heavier, as if it were snow that's growing compacted.

Sighing, I watch Chan and Seungmin walk into the room a short couple minutes later. They both give me soft smiles, softness that shouldn't be getting directed towards such coldness and harshness.

Forcing my brain clear, I get back to work.

Hoseok POV

Closing the door weakly behind me, I feel the tears begin to fall. Swallowing hard, I shake my head as I walk away from the door.

"You most definitely, did not fix things, hyung." Tae says as he appears beside me. I sigh, shaking my head as more tears begin to fall.

"Why not?" He asks softly as he pulls me into a hug. I can hardly talk as the tears just keep coming.

"I don't know. I just couldn't do it, Tae. I messed up big time and I just couldn't. Seeing her like that... I know it's all my fault and I just can't... I don't want to do that to her again... I just couldn't bring myself to say anything. I couldn't do anything. I just messed it all up." I sob endlessly into the younger boys shoulder.

"It's going to be okay, hyung. Calm down. You've not messed it all up. You just need to recollect yourself and try again. Don't give up, Hoseok. You can fix things with her. You can't be scared though." He comforts, rubbing my back comfortably.

"You don't understand, Tae. I'm the reason she's like this. I messed up so bad." I mutter between breaths.

"You can fix this, Hoseok. Besides, it's not like you're the only one who hurt her. We all did. You saw how she was towards Yoongi and Jin hyung." He tells me confidently. I sigh, pulling myself off the boy.

"I'm not so sure. But thank you." I whisper as we walk out to meet up with the rest of the group.


The next thirty six hours go by undisturbed. I'm currently in the writing room, a sweaty mess from having quit the choreography work about fifteen minutes ago. Sitting in here, Felix and Changbin are with me.

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