Chapter 39

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"Why didn't you go for Hoseok first?" Kookie asks, a completely purely innocent look in his eyes as he is truly simply confused. I sigh at his question, ruffling my hair up.

"I knew Jingsae was going to be with the two of them. Unfortunately, no matter what happens, at the end of the day, Yoongi is my brother. I've spent all but the first four years of my life protecting and taking care of him. That's not about to change either.

"After I had gotten him and Jin who were together to safety, I had been informed that you and the other two were getting hurt. Knowing you three and being the youngest three of your group, I knew that you guys weren't going to be able to handle the pain for too long. I also didn't know how long it had been going on so I wanted to get to you three before I was dragging unconscious bodies out of that house. It's a good thing I got there when I did too, by the looks of you and Taehyung." I tell him, keeping my voice gentle.

He looks down before looking back up at me with a small smile.

"Thank you for coming and getting us. I feel bad that you had to come after us before Hoseok, but I really appreciate it." Kookie whispers with that sweet small smile.

"We're all grateful that you made that decision." Jimin speaks up, looking between Kookie and I with a grateful smile. I simply return it, nodding my head.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get to the two of you sooner." I speak, looking up at the boy who loves me. He simply gives me a smile, shaking his head.

"Princess, it's a good thing you came for us last. He wasn't doing anything with us except using us as bait to get you to come to him. The others were getting hurt. I'm glad you went in the order you did." He tells me, still smiling.

"What did he mean though, when he was talking about how you should've known certain things already? And about that whole lesson thing?" Namjoon asks in confusion. My head drops at the dreaded question that I knew was coming.

"When we first met Solbi, it was because of that asshole who was at the time her boyfriend. We had ran into her on the sidewalk when she was running out in sweats and a tee shirt in the middle of the summer at that time. We could see the bruises and cuts that covered her face as she ran out, as well as the fear that was in her eyes." Felix starts out, taking the lead to explaining the situation.

"Changbin obviously already knew her, but didn't know about this part. It was the only part of her life at that point that he didn't know. So when we brought her back to our dorms, he was extremely surprised with the condition she was in. He ended up demanding to know why the girl who was so in control and in charge of a growing strict gang, was being brought back to his dorm looking as though she'd never fought a day in her life." Hyunjin continues from the other side of me. I swallow, needing to finish the story of that day myself.

"Seeing all of the bruises and cuts that were visible just even at that point, they knew something was off. Especially considering the fact that I was stumbling to run away from a guy in pure fear. Hyunjin originally wanted to call the police on him until I explained that it was my boyfriend I'd been running from." I start to continue on myself, my eyes closing as I attempt to keep my breathing calm. I feel Felix and Hyunjin put their hands on my shoulders again in comfort and reassurance that they're here for me.

"They didn't understand at first when I'd explained he was my boyfriend and that I was running and looking the way I did. Felix demanded that I take the top and sweats off so that they could actually see the full extent of what was going on. I didn't exactly have a choice at the time and also ended up having to explain that at least half of what they saw was from my parents. It didn't matter much though as obviously, there was a fair amount from the guy that was called my boyfriend.

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