Chapter 17

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Come Monday, I'm totally worn out. Just the extra weight of Hoseok and Kookie's arms over my shoulders is almost too much to take.

"Ara, do you actually sleep at all, beautiful?" Hoseok teases as we head to class in the morning. I can't help the small smile at his words.

"Yes, I sleep. Why?" I answer softly, stifling a yawn as we walk.

"Because you always look absolutely exhausted and like you could fall asleep at any second. You almost look like you're turning into Yoongi." He answers, teasing lightly at the comparison of me to my brother.

Thankfully, Felix, Changbin, and Hyunjin are the only ones who notice me tense up at his comparison. Though, I notice Yoongi ever so lightly tense at the words as well, causing me to frown and give the three boys a look. They simply shrug though.

Hoseok POV

I can hardly pay any attention to what's going on during the entire first half of the school day. Instead, all I can think about is how nervous I am.

I really really like Ara in all honesty. I just don't know if it'd be a good idea to confess to her or not. Obviously we're both super busy, but I absolutely adore her and can never seem to get her off my mind.

When the bell rings to dismiss us to lunch, the group of us meet up and soon enough Jungkook and I have an arm each thrown around her shoulders as we walk to the canteen.

I know that Kookie isn't out to try and date her though. They really do seem like best friends though. He seems to be the closest to her outside of Felix and maybe the other two of his band members.

Thankfully, Ara seems kind of out of it herself as we walk to the canteen. She's not paying me much attention which I'm okay with as it means she can't see the slight blush on my cheeks. However, Kookie can and he's just been sending me winks and goofy looks the entire time.

As lunch starts, once again Ara is difficult about eating. I don't know why she's being like this, it's been a week now of this going on. Though, after her and Felix share what almost looks like a fight through looks, she finally gives in and allows me to give her half of my food.

"Hey, Jin, Yoongi, Kookie, Felix? Would you guys mind coming with me for a minute?" I finally speak up hesitantly after about five minutes of all of us having finished eating. They give me confused looks but shrug it off and nod, following me outside of the canteen.

"What is it, hyung?" Kookie asks curiously after we've gotten a little ways away from the entrance of the canteen and stopped. I take a deep breath, already feeling the blush on my cheeks heating up as I look around at the four guys around me.

"Uh... umm..." I stutter, unsure of how exactly I'm supposed to start this and explain why I'd brought them all out here.

"Alright, so... I kind of... really... want to confess to Ara. I just don't know whether I should or if it's okay or whatever... I know, Kookie and Felix, you two are essentially her best friends, and Yoongi and Jin, you both seem to be extremely protective of her like older siblings. I just... I don't know. Advice or ideas?" I finally manage to sputter out. Giant grins take over all of their faces except for Yoongi's. He simply has a small content look on his face.

"I just... I figured it'd only be right to kind of get your guys' permission and whatnot. We've all kind of become family at this point and I kind of figured this would be the best I was going to get. And, I don't know guys. Please help me, I'm really nervous." I explain before the nerves kick back in. They chuckle at my nervousness as I rub my hands over my face.

"Alright, well, I personally don't see any issues with you confessing her and possibly dating. I don't have an issue with it myself. I think you've done nothing this entire time of her being here but treat her well.

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