Chapter 8

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"I'm really sorry we got you into detention." Hoseok says as we walk out of class for lunch. I just shrug.

"It's fine. I think she's been dying to find a reason or way to get me into detention anyways. It's no big deal." I tell him, shaking my head as we walk towards the canteen.

"Yeah, she really doesn't seem to like you at all, which is kind of odd." Namjoon answers. I merely shrug again. It's not really all that odd for me. There's plenty of people who don't like me at all, she's just another name to that very extremely long list.

"Why do you find it odd?" I question in confusion. All three of them look at me in surprise, shaking their heads at me.

"While she's definitely one of the most strict teachers here at this school, she generally doesn't take a strong dislike towards any specific student. She's generally just a bitch to everyone in the class, but it almost feels like she's targeting you." Yoongi explains.

"It's whatever, honestly. I'm not overly surprised that she doesn't like me. She's not the first one." I mutter under my breath though all three of them catch it.

"What do you mean?" Hoseok asks in curiosity. I sigh, shaking my head.

"Don't worry about it." I answer as we walk into the canteen. The three of them head up to the line to get food as I go towards the table. Thankfully, they don't say anything and I go to the table in peace.

"Ara, you don't have any food." Jin says disapprovingly. I bite my lip, slightly annoyed that he remembered. Although, it's not like I really expected him to forget. Everyone looks over at me, a small frown on their face at the fact that I have no food in front of me.

"Here." Jimin says, beginning to split his food to share with me. I immediately start shaking my head at the boy to my left.

"No, Jimin. You need the food. All of you do. Don't even think about it." I stop him. However, I receive a slightly indifferent look before he cuts a piece of the chicken he has before he lifts it up towards my face. I merely shake my head at the action though.

"Ara, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Jungkook says from the other side of me. The small threat causes me to wince, only knowing the hard way that my parents use.

"Either you take the food and eat, or I'll start feeding you as if you were a baby." Jimin finishes for Kookie. I roll my eyes, now realizing what they'd meant as I shake my head.

"You guys need your food -" I don't get to finish repeating myself before I'm cut off.

"So do you, Ara. You need food just like the rest of us. Don't make this more difficult than you've already begun to." Yoongi speaks up. Throwing my head back in defeated annoyance, I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

Not having the energy at all for any of this, I snatch the fork from Jimin and take the bite of chicken that he'd gathered on the utensil. I hand it back to him before going back to my work, though I can feel all of their eyes on me still.

"You need to eat more than that, Ara." Namjoon speaks next. Between the fact that I'm naturally irritable and my extreme lack of sleep (I've not gotten actual sleep since Wednesday night), I don't have any energy to argue or fight.

This time, Jungkook holds out a different bite of food on his spoon in my direction. I don't even bother taking the utensil out of anger. Instead, I simply open my mouth. Chuckling, Jungkook and Jimin continue on feeding me like this until I've had half of both of their food.

"Happy now?" I question, not looking up from my notepad after finishing my last bite of food.

"Yes. Very happy. See, it wasn't that difficult now was it?" Jin responds. Dropping the pen that's in my hand, I look up at him with an annoyed look.

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