Chapter 21

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"Solbi?" Just hearing Yoongi's voice say my name... I feel my blood boil and run cold all at once. Turning slowly, I find my brother and Jin standing at the corner looking at the four of us uncertainly.

"You fucking idiots!" My anger flares, smacking Changbin across the face as his eyes go wide. Almost instantly, they've created the opening they know I need and I've punched three different holes into the wall across from me.

"Stop!" Changbin almost panics as he grabs me around the waist and pulls me back. Yanking myself out of his grip, I grab him by the ear.

I walk over to my brother, smacking him upside the head before dragging him as well by the ear. The other three that are free from my grasp follow worriedly as I pull us into BlackPink's dressing room. Thankfully, I know they'd left right after their performance earlier.

"You fucking idiots! How many times?! How many times have I warned you?!" I explode after shutting the door and releasing them. I notice out of the corner of my eye, Yoongi and Jin's eyes both widening at my sudden outburst. I don't even notice the hot tears that have begun to slip.

"Solbi, we're sorry. We didn't think -" Felix begins to say. My rage takes over though as I cut him off.

"No. No you didn't think, Felix. None of you did. None of you listened to me! How many times did I warn you? How many times did I tell you this was going to happen if you kept it up?" My rage slowly begins to subside to hurt and sadness. Subsiding to fear and failure.

"Solbi... did you not want me to figure out that it was you? Why're you so mad about all of this?" Yoongi speaks up, cutting off any of the three that were about to speak. I can feel my entire body just grow heavier at his voice, not to mention his words. Though, I can also see the worry in the three boys eyes.

"Yoongi,... you didn't recognize me at all when you finally ran into me in school my first day there. That itself was enough that I didn't need you to figure who I was. I'm mad because I warned them multiple times. They've already graduated and have no reason to be attending school. So the fact that they're still attending and using my name that almost nobody knows at this point, yes, angers me a lot." I answer, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Okay, in my defense, you don't exactly look the same now as you did when you were twelve or whatever. Alright? Plus, you had glasses on and different colored eyes." Yoongi says, attempting to stand up for himself.

His words strike another string of anger in me. In pure blind rage once more, I end up punching the wall a few times and driving my knees into it as well. Every time, my anger calms slightly from the contact of the hit. But the moment my arm or knee retracts, the anger turns quickly to hurt which cycles back into anger.

"Solbi, stop! You're going hurt yourself further! Solbi! Stop it!" The words are faint but I recognize Hyunjin's voice regardless before I feel two pairs of arms grab hold of me. I'm not pulled away from the wall for more than a minute before my legs give out from underneath me.

"Okay, so clearly there's some sort of partial unspoken understanding of where all this anger and rage is coming from, but I've not been filled in on any of that. Someone care to explain what's going on here? And why're there so many bruises and cuts on her?" Jin finally speaks up to express his cluelessness.

Taking a deep breath, I pull myself to a standing. Felix, Hyunjin, and Changbin step back away from me with wide and worried eyes. They've never been able to tell the kind of reaction I have when I pull myself back together after and anger break.

"Boys? Why don't you lot answer poor Jin's question? Since he was unfortunately pulled into this lovely mess, it's only fair to him to get filled in. Meanwhile, I'm going to go take care of prepping for this last performance rather than further damage the room." I tell them, pulling a very tight smile before walking out of the room and slamming the door behind me.

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