Chapter 2

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Of course, I had to be put in the same school as my brother. Of course I did. Could my manager possibly hate me any further? That's not true really, it's not like he has any clue. Hell, nobody other than three people even know that I have a brother.

Biting my lip gently, I take my seat next to Namjoon. I quickly get my things out as Ms. Ming begins class. Within seconds, I've got one earbud stuck in my ear and my small notepad that I take with me everywhere out on the table.

I don't even give the front of the classroom my full attention as I don't hesitate in looking out the window that's directly to my left. I can't be happier at the fact that I at least get a window.

"Here." Namjoon says quietly as he places a full notebook on my desk. I frown, looking down at it before looking back over at him. I watch as he instantly leans back in his chair and gets on his phone. Scoffing quietly, I place the notebook back onto his desk.

"Oh no, that's for you to take my notes, sweetheart. I'm sure we can catch up later to go over those." He explains, winking at me as he places it back on my desk.

Scoffing again, I put it back on his desk before looking back out the window. I give Ms. Ming half of my attention, only listening to the things she's going over.

I ignore it the third time he places it on my desk. I simply continue doodling in my notepad, thinking of just about anything except what's going on around me.

Eventually, the bell finally rings to dismiss us for our lunch break. The most of the class races out almost instantly. Well, the portion of the class that isn't female. They're all busy hanging around since Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon aren't in any rush to get out.

Ignoring them, I quickly get out of the room and keep my head down. I'm extremely doubtful that Yoongi will recognize me, but there's always the chance. That, or a fan. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm more likely to run into haters than fans.

Sitting down at lunch, I'm partially thankful to be seated alone. Of course, that's due to the fact that I've got no friends here but I'm okay with that. That'd be way too difficult to deal with on top of everything else.

"What the hell, bitch?!" Namjoon spits at me as a notebook - his notebook - is tossed onto my desk. Looking up at him in annoyance for disrupting my short period of solitude and working time, I can see he's clearly frustrated.

"Can I help you?" I simply ask. I know exactly why he's throwing a fit but I don't particularly care. He's got the entire band behind him, watching the scene play out in front of them.

"Yeah, you can explain why my notebook has no notes in it!" He exclaims. I roll my eyes.

"Let me see... Well, there's the fact that you wanted me to do it for you. That's probably the reason why." I answer, an annoyed expression definitely covering my face as I close my small notepad. He glares at me.

"Exactly. So why isn't it done?" He questions, placing a hand on my shoulder. Flinching at the action, I shove his hand off before standing.

"It might have something to do with the fact that I'm not your personal maid. I'm not your secretary, or anything else for you to use at your disposal for that matter." I answer, attempting to keep my calm. Grabbing ahold of my shoulder in a way that I can't escape, he leans in to whisper in my ear.

"Cutie, I'm trying to give you a good time here at this school. You really don't want to go against me as I can make a lot of bad things happen to you that I'm sure you don't want." He threatens before leaning back and releasing me.

"I don't need you to 'give' me anything here. Ever. You may think you have power over me, Namjoon, but you've got much less than that. I'm not remotely afraid of you and I'm most certainly not your maid or secretary. Nor am I any of the dumb girls here who love kissing your ass. Now leave me alone." I spit at him with my arms folded over my chest before walking out of the canteen.

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