Chapter 27

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Taking a deep breath, I pinch the bridge of my nose before speaking up.

"I want to clarify something right here and now before we deem this meeting over." I speak, keeping my voice calm. All of them look at me in surprise, Yoongi and Hoseok frowning at me as my manager simply groans.

"Now what the hell do you want?" He complains.

"I just want this clarified now before we have any issues. You two have just given us clearance that we're allowed to be together. However, that means that Hoseok is not to be facing any consequences at all from being around me.

"Not an ounce of repercussions for what has been decided here. Not an ounce of repercussions for being around me. I will be keeping an eye out and be watching and listening for if he receives anything or faces any issues.

"Let me be very clear, you do not want to face me should he deal with any of these things. I would make very wise decisions if I were you, Sir." I clear up.

"Ara, that sounds like a threat." My manager challenges. Giving him quite a serious face, I simply shrug.

"Take it as you will. It's a promise that I guarantee, you don't want to test." I tell him before heading towards the door.

"Seriously, Solbi?! You just can't let shit be, can you?" Yoongi groans in frustration. However, the moment he quits speaking every single one of us in the room freezes, my eyes wide with anger.

"What did you just call her?" My manager asks slowly. Hoseok's eyes bounce between my brother and I as our gazes never part.

"You really are a fucking idiot aren't you." Is all I can manage to get out. He sighs, running his hands through his hair.

"What's going on between the two of you?" Hoseok asks hesitantly. Throwing my head in my frustration, I walk over to the poor boy, gently putting my hand to his cheek. He instantly nuzzles his cheek into my hand at my touch as he watches me.

"Yoongi is my older brother, love. There's nothing 'going on between us'." I explain gently. His eyes widen slightly in panic as he looks over to the older boy worriedly, though he doesn't move his face from his hand.

"He's what?! And neither of you ever said anything?!" My manager explodes. I sigh as my head falls for a moment before I pick it back up and move away from Hoseok, looking over at the older man.

"Yoongi is my older brother. I never said anything and went by Yun Ara so that I wouldn't have to deal with being under his shadow constantly or deal with anymore issues in relation to that. My real name is Min Solbi. Happy now? Okay, I'm leaving. Yoongi, you can deal with the rest of this lovely backlash." I tell him, pulling a tight smile at my brother before stocking off.

"Wait, Ara." Hoseok says, reaching out to me. Taking a deep breath, I turn back to him. Giving me a small smile, he steps towards me with a worried smile as he takes my hand. Biting my lip, I shake my head as pull my hand out of his grip causing him to frown.

"Not yet, love. Soon, but not yet. I'm sorry, Hoseok. But we need to start this out slow and take our time. Soon, love." I tell him as I watch a tear slip down his face.

The pain in his eyes kills me. Reaching up, I gently wipe away his tears, his eyes closing at my touch. When I retract my hand, he gives a confused and hurt look. Taking a deep breath, I press a kiss to his cheek before turning and walking out of the room, closing the door behind me.

Hoseok POV

My heart breaks even further than it's been in the last week as I watch her walk out of the door. Why doesn't she want to be with me now? What have I done?

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