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Harry heard the front door open and close rather abruptly. Draco must have just gotten home from work. Harry had a day off today and had decided to start cooking a complex dinner early to surprise Draco. By the sounds of it, his boyfriend had just burst through the front door, so he was either angry, excited, or it was windy outside and he hadn't meant to.

"Harry Harry Harry!" From his tone, Harry picked up that Draco was happy. He turned around to see his boyfriend run into the kitchen holding up a Muggle newspaper with a huge smile on his face.

"What is it?"

"An apartment!!!"

Harry almost dropped the ladle he was holding up.

They'd been looking for an apartment for so long, working their asses off at their secretive jobs at the Ministry. Both of them were given Ministry jobs working on the betterment of wizarding crime fighting. of course neither of them got to do any fighting, but they were prompted to work in offices far away from anyone else. The Ministry didn't want anyone to know they were working there. They didn't want any complications with Lucius Malfoy. They were done with him. They had to apparate there every day so that no one would see them. It was kind of exhausting, but Harry enjoyed his work. He wished he could be out in the field, but the paperwork was quiet interesting. When you mix stupid criminals with magic, you get some pretty funny stories to bring home to your family.

Family. Harry loved thinking of him and Draco as family. They weren't necessarily married, but they were getting there. They didn't want to do it before getting an apartment and before getting through all of their issues as a couple. They still had a lot of those. A. Lot.

They'd started seeing a muggles couple therapist. Wizarding therapy wasn't very advanced yet, and they only wanted to take advice from the very best. Sometimes it was tough to dance around the whole magical aspect of their lives, but overall they'd gotten better at articulating their feelings without using wizarding terminology when in the therapists office.

"Oh my god!" Harry squealed and carefully put the ladle back into the sauce he was cooking. He ran to Draco to see the newspaper.

"Look at it, it's right in our budget, it's a little small, but the kitchen is really nice, it's open-floor plan, and the current owner is selling some of the furniture with it!"

Harry grabbed the newspaper, reading all of the information for himself. It was all there. The square footage would be a tight fit at first, but it was otherwise perfect. They'd had horrible luck looking for apartments so far, nothing coming up even close to their price range, and the few places that were either had insect infestations, ex-con landlords, tons of asbestos, or other random horrible shit.

"Merlin, I can't believe it. We have to check this out before anyone else gets it." Harry was staring at the paper in disbelief. Draco put his arms around Harrys waist and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I already talked to the Ministry, we've got all of tomorrow off. We can basically walk there from here." The excitement in Draco's voice hadn't worn away.

"I love you." Harry mentioned. He couldn't believe that at one point it was hard to say that. That at one point he was a whole nervous wreck just because he wasn't able to say those three words. Now they came so easily. So naturally. He loved Draco.

"I love you too, Harry." Draco smiled into another kiss. "And I love this apartment!" He added on cheerfully, pulling away slightly.

(A/N: Haha I'm back bitches. Love you all!)

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