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(The official song for this chapter is I Found by Amber Run. If you listen to this quietly in the background it makes the chapter that much better. ((you can find it on YouTube or iTunes, so yeah, no excuses.)) I'll tell you guys when to start playing the music - if you choose to do so - with a little purple heart 💜! Enjoy!)

Propping his broomstick up on the bedpost, Harry tried his hardest to rid himself of his nerves. He went over his plan one more time in his head. He was ready.


As he walked through the kitchen, having used all the dimly-lit hallways that no one but the house elves used, he noticed all the house elves whispering when he passed them. He heard the name 'Dobby' more than once, and he had to admit - it stung a little to remember. Dobby had been one of the bravest Harry had ever met. It was so strange to think that he had worked here once. No, Harry reminded himself. Work included pay, and Dobby wasn't paid when he worked there. He shook his head to try and focus on the task at hand. He was almost to the other side of the kitchen, where the door leading into the ballroom sat, when he felt someone tuck at his suit. He stopped and turned around, looking down when he realized it hadn't been a full grown person, but a house elf.

"Yes?" He asked, trying to sound as put together as possible. Truthfully though, he was so nervous that his hands were shaking slightly. And that had never happened before. 

"We were wondering, sir, what you happen to be doing here, respectfully sir." A small elf said, his head bowed and his ears covering most of his face. Harry looked around and noticed that all the house elves were looking at him for an answer. Seems like he wasn't the only nervous one.

"I... I'm dating Draco Malfoy. And I'm about to go share that with the Death Eaters in that room." Phrasing it that way made it sound like a death wish, but it sure did shock the elves into silence. "And you don't have to call me sir. Harry is just fine."

They all looked like someone had just told them they'd be winning a life time supply of gold. Their jaws dropped.

"Draco Malfoy... sir, that can't be... you're... you're.... you're Harry Potter sir!" One of the bigger house elves cried from the corner. Harry looked him in the eye.

"Yes, well Draco and I have found that neither is how the other imagined. And, please, call me Harry." He stated, his voice steadier than he felt it should be considering his mental state.

~Cue Music! 💜~

None of them looked like they had anything else to say, so Harry just waved awkwardly and took some final steps towards the door. He took a deep breath before pushing it open and walking out, his head down.

Music was wafting through the air. Classical. There were low voices everywhere, creating a loud atmosphere. People were dancing in the center of the room, and food was set up along the edge.

Harry stayed to the wall, half shielding his face with his hand, half looking around the dance floor. Looking for Draco. He didn't see him anywhere.

He tried to make sure he wasn't seen yet - it was part of the plan - but he found that hard to seeing as he had to look for Draco while blocking his face from everyone.

Finally he found a place where most people weren't looking - in the corner next to the stage - and he started scanning the crowd for Draco from there. Nothing.

Until a squeal came up from the table where food was being served. Harry jumped then looked quickly, alarmed that he might've been caught. But all it was was a seemingly old lady greeting a young man.

"Oh, look how much you've grown! Haven't seen you for years!" She shrieked. But who was she talking too? Harry had a strong inkling that it was Draco. Who else would she be greeting like that? 

Then he saw him. Gleaming blonde hair and all, Draco stood trying to calm this woman. It suddenly hit Harry like a ton of bricks how much he'd truly missed not talking to Draco every day. Not connecting with him with every glance of eyes in the dinning hall. Not holding hands and kissing and being close down by the lake.

It hit him like a ton of bricks how much he loved the boy. And he smiled and completely forgot about trying to hide himself because just look at Draco in that suit that fits him so well, look at him being such a gentleman, look at him being Draco.

And just then, right when he let his guard down, two sets of hands wrapped around his arms and started propelling him forward. For half a millisecond, his heart stopped. He'd been caught. They were going to take him to some dark room and kill him. It was actually happening. But that second pass quickly when Pansy and Blaise caved in on him to shield him from the people.

"What are you doing here?!?"

"Are you an idiot? Whats wrong with you!"

"God damn Gryffindors, think they can do anything they want."

"Merlin, what are we going to do with you?!"

He heard them muttering myriad of obscenities under their breaths. He realized where they were taking him and didn't resist. He may have been stupid enough to try and go through with this plan, but he was smart enough to know that that would surely cause a scene. And then people would really catch him.

They were taking him back towards the kitchen door.

He looked back at Draco and had never felt such an intense longing for anything in his life. He just wanted to be with him and hold his hand and greet people with him and kiss him and tell him he loved him. 

He willed from Draco to look their way and see Harry and just know he was there for him. Still in a silent panic from the fact that Blaise and Pansy were escorting him out, Harry never looked away from Draco.

Just before Blaise and Pansy threw him through the kitchen doors, he caught the Slytherins eyes. Instantly Draco knew who it was, of course, but Harry only saw a fraction of a second of the freaking out in Draco's eyes before the door slammed on his face. 

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?!?!" Blaise and Pansy shouted in unison, finally letting go of him

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