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"Harry, don't come back to Hogwarts" Hermione sounded rushed and jittery on the phone, like she was chattering from the cold.

"It's Draco. And, why wouldn't we go back to Hogwarts?" Draco asked, concerned. he was starting to get worried by Hermione's tone. What did she mean? Had something happened? Was Voldemort back?

"Stay at Grimmauld. I have to hang up, but just... don't come back yet. Ron, or I, or one of us will call when it's all clear. Stay at Grimmauld with Harry, I mean it." She was definitely not joking around. It sounded like something earth-shattering had happened. Draco quickly shook Harrys shoulder. They fallen asleep on the warm grass by the stream, but it must not have been for long because the sun was only now starting to set.

"Hermione?" Draco called into the phone one last time. He knew it was no use, she'd hung up, but he'd hoped that she was still there and was going to tell them that it was all a joke and nothing bad had happened. No such luck.

"What is it?" Harry asked, weary from sleep. He prosed himself up on his elbows. They'd putter robed on the ground beneath them as a sort of barrier between them and the dirt.

"We need to get dressed now and head for Grimmauld. I'm not sure why, but Hermione just called me on the phone, she seemed distressed... panicked, thats the word. She was completely panicked. Her voice was shaky and she was rushing her words together. And this is Hermione we're talking about, the most articulate witch anyone's ever met." Draco explained as he started gathering his robes in his hands to get ready to go. He wasn't sure why he was going quickly, it wasn't like anyone was going to come looking for them, right? no one even knew where they were. They just had to stay away from Hogwarts for some reason. But something about Hermione words and voice had just set him on edge.

"Well that can't be right. Hermione's the most levelheaded person I know. And I'm very popular, henceforth, I know a lot of people." Harry joked. Draco couldn't laugh. He was anxious now. Harry noticed instantly and frowned, rubbing his eyes from sleep.

"Hey, I'm sure its fine. It probably doesn't concern us and she just wants to keep it like that. And maybe it's just her trying to give us more time together. Don't you start panicking too. We'll be okay." Harry said reassuringly, stopping Draco's hand from pushing his hair back - which he did when he was nervous - and kissing him. "We'll be okay."

It was reassuring, but not reassuring enough.

Harry still looked half asleep once he'd gotten dressed, so Draco volunteered to fly them to Grimmauld with Harry giving directions. That was what Draco did when he was nervous, occupied himself with things, physically. Otherwise he got too twitchy.

He tried to calm himself down with simple logic, like it's probably nothing and Hermione might just be playing a prank or it might not even involve us. But still, he couldn't get her voice out of his head. She sounded so scared. Hermione. He'd never seen Hermione scared, nor could he ever imagine it. But she sounded more than scared... horrified. What could possible have been that terrible? She sounded like she was starring down a boggart that had come to life, or something. 

"Ok, from here turn to the left, where that huge house is. Then its just straight forward until you get to London. You know your way from there, right?" Harry murmured.

Draco nodded, not wanting to speak. Was already couldn't focus as it was, he didn't want to distract himself even more. He was a seeker, known for his flawless turns and unwavering flights, but he just didn't have it in him to have good technique right now.

He felt like there were a million things clouding his mind and eyes and he didn't know whether he wanted to run around and scream and do something, or just sleep. He felt like he couldn't hang on to one thought for more than two seconds before it zoomed past and the next five came to the front of his brain.

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