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(The official song for this chapter is For Him by Troye Sivan. If you listen to this quietly in the background it makes the chapter that much better. This song I think is just tooooo perfect for this chapter, please please please listen to it?((you can find it on YouTube or iTunes, so yeah, no excuses.)) I'll tell you guys when to start playing the music - if you choose to do so - with a little purple heart 💜! Enjoy!)

(A/N: this chapter might be a little short, and its a break from the drama, it's kinda just a sweet chapter to show the passage of time... some time passes.... so yeah. It'll just be some nice times they have together and that shit. Don't worry, I have a whole plan for this story and I plan out every chapter chapters ahead so this isn't just because I don't have any ideas, this is here for a reason, it needs to fast forward a little or else it'll all be going too slow. The next chapter will be out faster though, since this one is going to be short. Enjoy!)

~cue the music 💜~

The next three months go by in a blur of studying in secret nooks of the library (and sneaking food in there as well), apparating coffee for early morning kisses, falling into the lake at late night, watching the stars and seeing how many they could count without messing up, and Harry stealing Draco's sweaters so much that he soon started calling him 'the boy who stole sweaters'. But he didn't mind because when he got them back they always  smelled like Harry. Warm and cinnamon and coffee.

One specific time that Harry and Draco could remember from watching the stars was around early December. It was cold and snow was on the ground, but Draco had insisted they watched the stars anyways. He let Harry believe that it was his sole obsession with outer space that drove him to persist upon this, but really it was fueled by his obsession with the expression on Harry's face when he'd gaze up at the night sky in confusion and uncomprehending amazement. 

Once they'd walked out onto the snowy ground just skirting the lake, they realized if they sat down in their robes they'd be soaked and of no use the next day in classes. At this point Draco had said it was ok and they could just hang out in the library under a temporary invisibility charm. But Harry would take that. He made them climb the little tree beside the lake and sit on a branch to look at the galaxy. "This way we're closer to the stars anyways." He'd commented and he helped Draco up in a particularly embarrassing moment of weakness when he'd not been agile enough to scale the trunk. But that bashfulness instantly turned to him being thankful when Harry grabbed his waist and hoisted him up. 

They'd seen shooting stars that night, but it wouldn't be the first or the last time. They'd wish for ridiculous things, like for time to freeze, or for the snow to disappear. But Harry didn't really want that last one, not when Draco would hold him to keep them both warm. He felt safe there.

As January rolled around it soon became the month of sneaking around the castle because the outside had become too cold. Harry was afraid at first that some part of the reason they were happy was because of their little place by the lake, but he soon found that being with Draco was the reason he was happy. And they both quiet enjoyed the new secrets they found about the castle every night when they'd run around and explore, unsupervised.

There was even one time when they found a whole room that they'd never even heard of before where everything looked like it was made out of gold, but was actually made of a pillow substance. It almost felt like warm snow. They'd stayed there almost all night.

Then February was unexpectedly lukewarm instead of icy weather. That was when they'd fly into London all the time. They'd even stop by Dracos room sometimes just to hang out without his parents even knowing they weren't at Hogwarts.

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