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Slow Town - Twenty One Pilots. Cue song right away💜. Hope you enjoy!

"Harry, what are we gonna do?" Hermione sounded more anxious than usual. She'd pulled Harry aside to the corner so that no one would overhear. Draco was playing some sort of wizard card game with Pansy Blaise Luna and Neville while Ron observed. Apparently he had spent his whole life getting better at wizards chess and hadn't learned many other games. Hermione and Harry, raised mainly as muggles, had no clue how to play either and had just been watching.

"Well, first, I want to know what happened. When you called and stuff. But in general, I think we should just distract him with simple shit. It's all we have right now." Harry looked over at Draco. Distraction seemed to be working, at least for now. He was smiling mischievously over his hand of cards, which had moving images on them.

"Ok, well..." Hermione was also looking over at the gang while she spoke. They could both tell that everyone was smiling but their eyes were glossed over with concern. Harry wanted to yell at everyone, but he wasn't quite sure what he'd blame them for since they hadn't done anything. "I called when it was close to getting dark Wednesday afternoon because there was a loud noise outside and everyone was clamoring to the windows in the common rooms. It had to be the loudest apparition I've ever heard, by far. It wasn't just a little crack, it was like a huge tree from the forest had suddenly been chopped in half with one swift movement. He had apparated in the air, on his broom. He flew to the ground so quickly that I thought he was free-falling at first. My first thought was to go help. Something felt really off. Everyone was silent. People rushed out from the quidditch field and started rushing over to the main entrance, where he was. But they stopped at a distance and then one of them pointed and screamed something. I couldn't hear, but the whole Slytherin team and the students who had come to watch all turned and started walking back, quickly, instantly. That was when I started to call Luna to see if she'd heard anything. I got my phone out but before I could call her number - which by the way, Ron gave her a phone and gave my her number. And Neville too - the man outside started walking to the front entrance. He was speeding without running. It almost looked like he was gliding. I... for a second it reminded me of a dementor." She stopped talking and sat down onto the bed behind her. She had to catch her breath. She'd been breathing normally while she spoke, but this was clearly hard for her to go into. Harry sat down next to her and put his arm around her.

"All us Gryffindors, who had crowded around the window, started panicking. Asking who it was, if anyone had seen their face, what was going on. No one had a clue. And then... it happened so fast, I don't know how the Slytherin even got there. My guess is that she was on the Quidditch team and had flow up. But, a Slytherin student burst through the door into the common rooms. She looked pale as snow, and her face was fallen. All she said was 'it's Lucius. Someone warn Draco, if any of your know where he is'. And then she ran. We all went into a frenzy. Everyone started bringing up the thing that happened earlier in the year, with the boggart. They were all freaking out. Neville and Ron found me in the crowd and started yelling to call you. That as when I did, and Draco picked up. I was still in shock. I was confused, I was worried. So I didn't really say anymore than to go away and not come back until I called. I knew... I figured, that Lucius abused Draco. I figured also that he'd now found out. That was the first place my mind went." Hermione looked like she was going into shock all over again. Clearly it'd been a big ordeal to everyone. Especially, Harry gathered, the Slytherins. The ones who knew how powerful the Malfoy name was. Sometimes that magical power helped Draco, but not when it came to his family versus itself.

"Well, everyone was pestering Ron and Neville and Seamus and Dean I. We didn't know any more than anyone else though. My first instinct was to go to Mcgonagall. So I did. They came with me too, Neville, Seamus, Ron, and Dean. The Gryffindor students went out into the halls and started heading to the other common rooms to group up with their friends. Turns out other students were doing the same. Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, even one Slytherin. They were waiting to go in to see what was going on. Apparently the Slytherin student that had warned us had gone to all the other common rooms as well. She'd made it her job every year to learn all the passwords and only use them in cases of pranks or emergencies. This qualified, sadly as an emergency. At first I got excited and I thought maybe it was all just a sick joke. It wasn't." Hermione paused to fiddle with her hair and calm herself down. "So I went to McGonagall's office but the statues wouldn't move. We explained the situation, but they just told us that... well, that Lucius was talking to Mcgonagall as we spoke. So we ran to tell everyone else. For a brief moment most of the students were all together in the Ravenclaw rooms but teachers came around telling us to carry on to our regular business and to stop acting so strange. They told us that a parent visiting to talk to a teacher wasn't uncommon and that the loud disturbance had just been an apparition. As if that made it any better. But, of course, most of the teachers were clueless to Draco's situation. So they forced us all to just go back to our dorms and we went to sleep. The next morning I called. I assumed that he'd left, everyone else did as well. We thought... we hoped that it'd just been what the teachers had said. A concerned parent visiting to talk about grades or something. But then, just before you can Draco got back, there was this big commotion. students were running into the common room saying that he was back, or he'd never left, or something. And that he was by the front entrance yelling at Mcgonagall. So we raced out side, those of us who were risking being near him to figure out what the hell was going on. He was yelling at her that if she didn't take Harry, take you, out of the school, then he'd... kill you himself." She stopped to look at Harry "I'm so sorry." She whispered. "I'm so sorry that you guys are caught up in this mess."

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