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(A/N: Little disclaimer, I will be saying mom instead of mum, because it just comes more naturally to me to write that since I learned english from the U.S. when I learned english, which is strange cause usually in Spain they'll teach it from England, but yeah, its just easier for me so, yeah, thats it, carry on. I'll also say things like sidewalk instead of pavement and that type of thing. Sorry I'm not British!)

"I'm sorry Harry, but really I have to go."Draco promised.

"You're dad's a dick." Harry commented, knowing Draco wouldn't be insulted since he agreed. 

"Honestly it's just some sort of birthday party from my mom. He makes a big deal of her birthday every year. Everyones birthday. Any excuse to have me home so he can keep a close watch. Also, any excuse to have the house crawling with death eaters. Or, ex-death eaters, anyways." He rolled his eyes, running his hand through his hair. 

Sitting down by the lake at night had become more of a weekly thing every Friday and Sunday since school started picking up more. It was November, still cold out, but the lake was always strangely warm. Probably some sort of strong enchantment. All Harry knew was that it wasn't like that in fourth year when he had to dive in for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. 

Harry and Dracos feet dangled into the water, Harry'd chucked off his shoes and socks while Draco has taken them off carefully and neatly placed then next to where they sat, leaning on each other. 

Harry found it strange how fast he and Draco seemed to have grown closer. Not only kissing him felt natural and right, but it was as if his head fit perfectly into the spot over his shoulder and in the crook of his neck. Their hands seemed to always find a way to be held together, like accio charm or something inevitable like that.  

"So, you're leaving tomorrow? On a Friday?" He asked, just to clear things up.

"Yes, and I'm getting back around mid-day Monday." Draco stated, intertwining his fingers with Harrys then undoing it then doing it again, as if to confirm that he was actually there. 

"God, its like your parents planned it exactly so that we wouldn't be able to meet up." He groaned. Draco quickly corrected him.

"My dad. My mom doesn't even want this. She's been trained to fake calm in front of large groups but she gets pretty socially anxious. Sometimes at these huge gatherings she'll have to go to her room just to take a breath and sometimes has little breakdowns. It's my dad who doesn't care what she has to say." He paused, pushing some hair out of Harrys face. He always commented on how he'd prefer his hair pushed back and out of his face so that he could see his eyes better. Harry would never do this, simply because he hated his scar. "My mom wanted me to miss as little school as possible" He continued. "She hates having me at home. Not because she hates me or anything, but just because she knows how my father is." Draco said it sharply, and Harry could tell he it was hard for him to talk about his family like this. To talk about it at all. 

"Hey, it's ok. It's only three and a half days. You can get through that. And soon enough we'll be graduating and you'll be out of there." Harry sat up straight, looking Draco in the eyes. "You'll be ok." He promised. 


Harry wasn't really sure Draco would be ok, though, and that was what worried him the most. He didn't know what else to do but wait for his return. He'd just have to sit through  classes, never really being able to pay attention, walking along as if he actually cared. This didn't seem like a solid plan, but it was all he had for now.

The next Friday he and Draco met very early in the morning down in the dungeons in a secret place where Draco said no one would find them. They said their good byes and Harry reminded Draco to call if he ever needed anything, and even if he didn't. Draco promised and they left, Draco leaving first and Harry after, just in case they got caught, at least they wouldn't be together. That'd be a whole other type of 'got caught'. And not a good one.

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