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(The official song for this chapter ((yes I'm doing that now, but probably not for every chapter)) is Youth by Troye Sivan. If you listen to this quietly in the background it makes the chapter that much better. ((you can find it on YouTube or iTunes, so yeah, no excuses.)) I'll tell you guys when to start playing the music - if you choose to do so - with a little purple heart 💜! Enjoy!)

Two weeks had passed, making today the start of holiday. Draco had left that morning, as well as Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Dean Thomas. Neville had stayed, as he'd done for the last few years, but right now he was in detention for some sort of nonsense that he hadn't even caused in potions class the day before. All Harry could think about was how he hadn't said goodbye to Draco Malfoy because people would've seen them and gotten the wrong idea. Harry rolled his eyes when Draco brought up this point.

"You know it's true." He'd said pointedly.

Harry wandered the halls. It was day time but not many Hogwarts students had stayed behind, so it was mostly empty. Other than the occasional cluster of three friends who had decided to stay. Harry couldn't think of anything to do. He was sure there was some sort of activity he could partake in, but there were millions of thoughts buzzing around in his brain, bouncing around all trying to call his attention at once. How could he think through that? They were thoughts about Ron and Hermione, thoughts about quidditch, thoughts about what his other friends were doing. But the loudest were the thoughts about graceful blonde hair and stunning silver eyes.

The rest of the day passed by like this. He talked to Neville and they played chess with the set that Ron had left behind. Soon enough night time came and Neville fell fast asleep before Harry even felt the slightest bit of tiredness creep up on him. In fact, he felt rather restless.

Up in the dormitory he stared out the window, wishing to dear god that he had asked Draco to point out the constellation named after him better. Maybe it would make him feel better to see Draco up in the mess of stars, since he couldn't get the real, concrete thing.

After a few more moments of looking out the window longingly, Harry decided he should go to sleep soon. It was just as he was getting into bed that his phone started going off. Not wanting to wake Neville, he opened it as quickly as possible and pressed the 'talk' button. His hand was shaking from anticipation. Sure, maybe it was Ron, or Hermione, but... it could also be Draco.

"Harry?" His voice wasn't as strong and usually, and he definitely sounded like something was wrong, but Harry knew that voice better than he knew the quidditch field.

"Draco? What is it? What's wrong?!?" He was starting to panic, he was speaking fast and was worried Malfoy hadn't heard him when it took him a while to answer.

"I'm good, I- It took me a while to learn how to use this thing, but basically I just want to be out of this place." He spoke, Harry calmed down a little since it didn't sound like he was in any physical danger.

"Out of where? Where are you?" Harry asked, though it was a stupid question. Where else would he be but -

"Malfoy Manor." Draco stated. "Please come quick, I'm in the South Wing tower- thats my bedroom. Just get me out of here." He pleaded. "I'll explain once you get here. You know the way." And with that, he hung up, leaving Harry in a manic state searching everywhere for his broomstick.

He threw on his school robes, as they were right next his bed since he'd just changed out of them. As quietly as Harry possibly could (though he wasn't sure how quiet it was considering his heart beat was so loud he couldn't hear anything else) he threw the window open and flew out, closing it behind him. He left a note for Neville that said he was just around the castle for s stroll since he couldn't sleep. Just incase he woke up in the middle of the night and was confused as to why he was alone. And with that, Harry was gone.

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