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(A/N: Aaaah! Special chapter for 1/4 of the way to 100 chapters! I mean, the story might end before that, but I defiantly have doubt in my ability to stop writing... ever. Anyways, I'm so so so so sorry that this update took so long! But its very... interesting, so sit back ((Not too far, you'll need to be able to read)), relax, and enjoy.)

(The official song for this chapter is The Quiet by Troye Sivan. If you listen to this quietly in the background it makes the chapter that much better. ((you can find it on YouTube or iTunes, so yeah, no excuses.)) I'll tell you guys when to start playing the music - if you choose to do so - with a little purple heart 💜! Enjoy!)

~Cue song 💜~

"Draco what is going on." Harry demanded, not even waiting for his reaction to being kidnapped. 

"If you're talking about Greengrass, theres nothing going on there, I swear. We've been family friends since we were born. She knows about us and she's helping me throw the other Slytherins off track-" Harry interrupted him before he could finish.

"Knows about us? Theres nothing to know about anymore! We barely talk, and when we do its stiff and awkward. I can tell that you're going to break up with me soon, its obvious, so just do it!" Harry yelled. He was sick of them pretending there was nothing happening. So much was happening.

"What are you even talking about?" 

Harry rolled his eyes. Draco was obviously pretending that nothing was different, but he was failing, as his voice wavered slightly. It was a small enough that no one else would notice. But Harry did, and it was clear as day.

"Draco, stop! Stop pretending nothing has changed!" He was going insane. He had to know what Draco was thinking, because nothing he was doing was making sense. "Talk to me! Tell me you hate me, or you don't love me, or something! Just don't be quiet! I can't read your mind!" He was screaming, but luckily they were down in the Slytherin dungeons (on their way to Potions) and noise didn't go through the walls easily down there. 

"Harry, I don't hate you." Draco was taking deep breaths, but they were shaky. He closed his eyes and leaned against the wall behind him.

"Well then what?!?" Harry threw his hands up in frustration. Was there no end to this torment?

"Harry, please, just-"

"Just what?! Just stop bringing up the truth? I need to know Draco! I can deal with mad sad or angry, but you can't just give me nothing!" Harry hit the wall with his fist. It was made of mossy stone, so when he pulled his hand back his knuckles were scraped, but not yet bleeding.

"Harry stop that! Stop insisting that we talk about things, I'm not ready to talk about things!" Draco stomped his foot like an upset child throwing a tantrum. Harry wanted to yell even more about that. He had to stop acting like a two year old and realize that he has to face the music and tell Harry what he's thinking. 

"No! You can't just brush this aside. We were really happy Draco! I could tell you were! And now you've made everything miserable so you owe me answers! Why does it bother you so much that I love you?" 

Draco started crying. Not sobbing or anything, but there were enough tears in his eyes that Harry could tell his vision must've been blurred. For a moment everything went back to his normal brain, slightly clearer. He wanted to wipe the tears from his cheeks and hold him in his arms until they were both ok. But then he went back to the present and remembered that that would solve absolutely nothing.

But he figured that yelling so much wouldn't solve much either. But it sure felt damn better than silence. 

"Harry, I just can't talk about this. I can't." He spoke quietly and gently, but Harry was really sick of that. He wanted a reaction, or something. Something small even, just to show that it was still the same Draco as before. He wasn't going to kiss him this time, which usually worked for that, but it was temporary. It was way too temporary when Harry wanted Draco back for good.

"What do you mean? Whats so hard about just telling me what you think?!?" Harry was itching to punch something again. Not Draco. That would never even slightly enter his mind for a moment. He was just mad, and he wanted to punch something not someone

"Because as soon as I say something out loud, it's real. It could end everything." He was almost whispering, more tears streaming down his pale skin, some dripping off the curve of his chin, some getting stuck in his lashes or ripped away by his sleeve.

"I don't care anymore! Theres nothing to end if theres nothing! Don't you get that? This," Harry gestured between them with he wave of his hand, "Is nothing right now!" That seemed to upset Draco even more because he grabbed onto Harrys arm.

"No, stop that! It can be the same as before!" He tried to pull Harry in to him, and although all Harry wanted to do was melt in his arms, he resisted.

"No, Draco. Thats so naive! I love you! And thats not going to change any time soon. So things will be different. They can be better, or worse. Depending on what you say. But not saying anything has just made it a million times worse than the worst possible outcome if you actually spoke!" He ripped his arm from Draco grip, punching the wall behind him with a closed fist again, not caring that it hurt. 

"You're going to hurt yourself, Harry, stop." Draco insisted through tears. That just upset Harry more.

"No. You can't just only talk to me if you're telling me to stop. You don't get to do that." He demanded. He was so annoyed with the whole situation. Especially because he loved Draco. And that was ever so present right now when Draco was crying and he was the reason why.

Maybe if he didn't love Draco he could've just broken up with him and that would be that. But he couldn't stand the thought of not fighting for him. 

Harry must've started crying, because the next thing he knew, Draco was gently wiping a tear away from under his eye. His hand was warm when it settled on his cheek. Harry wanted more than anything to kiss Draco now. But he'd already been over it in his head, and had decided that that was unhealthy. He leaned against the stone wall behind him and slid down it until he was sitting on the ground with his knees curled up in front of him. Draco kneeled down in front of him.

"Just say something." Harry whispered, his voice thick with what meant that tears were being help back. "Please just say something?" He was practically begging.

"Harry, why are you so insistent on this?" Draco was looking down at him, placing his hands on Harrys shoulders.

"Because I can't go on like this. You've just been so distant. I can't live like that. I love you." Harry wanted, needed, Draco to realize that his feelings were real. And finally he responded to them.

"I know." He peeped, his voice so soft that Harry could barely hear it. And now he started crying even more.

"Thank you." He said. He wasn't sure if Draco had heard or not, but he didn't care.

So then Draco held Harry, while Harrys arms were around his curled up knees. And they stayed that that for a few minutes until they were both calm. 

"Harry," Draco called his name.

"Yes?" They weren't whispering or yelling now. They were simply speaking.

"I love you." 

Harry froze. Had he just imagined that? Was he asleep and this whole thing never happened?

"I couldn't say it earlier because of what I said before. As soon as I say it, its real. As soon as I tell you I love you, this is a real thing. Its not just me experimenting with guys anymore, its not just me being confused. I love you harry. And I have known since you told me." Neither of them moved. Draco was now sitting next to Harry against the wall in the same position.

So Harry stood up, took Draco's hand and pulled him up. And they just hugged. Because it was good now, and they didn't need to kiss to make everything disappear.

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