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(Authors Note: Surprise at the end of this chapter! ((You could literally just scroll down there, so not this isn't so that you'll read till the end that I'm writing this at the top, I'm just excited ok? ok.)) It's gonna be cool!!!)

"Why wouldn't I be here?" Harry asked, remarkably relieved that Draco was there. All of his nerves slid away and he was just Harry, standing here with Draco.

"Well... I don't know, I guess it's silly." Draco walked over and sat against the tree. "I was just worried you wouldn't show up this time, for some reason." Draco shook his head. Harry thought it funny that Draco was fretting just as he was.

"Don't worry, I thought the same about you." Harry reassured him. The Malfoy just looked up at him, seemingly surprised.

"I would't do that." He said, but it sounded like he'd just said it by accident, and it had just been a reflex. Harry went and sat next to him, back against the tree, looking up at the stars.

"What's up... I mean, with holiday coming up and stuff-" Harry started, but he was cut off by Draco interrupting him.

"I'm sick of that stupid shit. I don't want to talk about that. We always do. I want to look at the stars and just talk about anything else." Draco stated with a hint of anger in his voice. Harry decided to back off from that. He was selfishly glad that they wouldn't talk about it, as he hadn't come up with a solution and he didn't think he could deal with the stress and worry right now.

"Ok, well... we don't know all that much about each other. there are plenty of questions for both of us to ask. At least for me." Harry thought aloud.

"Whats that supposed to mean? I can't keep my air of mysteriousness anymore now?" Draco proclaimed lightly.

"Nope. I want to know anything interesting that you can tell me about you." Harry laughed.

"Well there really isn't much to tell. I like quidditch. I like to read." He ticked off his interests. Harry just scoffed.

"Oh, come on. That can't be it. Tell me a secret of yours." Harry decided on that. Secrets are a good way of getting to know someone. Not only does it give you a fact about them, but it tells you what they count as a secret and what they value as wanting less people to know. He heard Draco sigh.

"Ok. I have one secret that I haven't really told anyone before. But I'm not sure I want to tell you." He said, his tone more serious. Harry, although curious, was polite assure Draco that he needn't say anything he didn't want to.

"But I'd still like to know what Draco Malfoy is hiding from everyone." He added.

"Well, it may not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but my father would flip if he knew. Basically... I really like astronomy." He whispered. Before Harry could say anything he was quick to add more on. "I know it seems totally geeky or something, but I don't know. The stars... they're beautiful. And they prove to us that more is our there than just our world. I mean, even as wizards with powerful magic the stars prepose something that not even we can comprehend." He sounded transfixed by the sky and completely enveloped in his fascination with the stars. But he was also rushing his words in a way that sounded like he was just waiting for someone to yell at him to shut up.

"I think thats wonderful." Harry decided on after a moment of silence where could practically feel Draco's fear of vulnerability. He just wanted to hug him and let him know he accepted him for who he was. Sadly, he had a feeling that would come off as strange and possibly creepy. Draco was grinning widely when Harry looked over at him.

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