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"What is this, some sort of treasure hunt? Are you going to have to search around Hogwarts for more items like this... this quill?" Blaise criticized. Draco just smiled, looking down at the quill in his hand.

"Yeah, I don't get it either. Whats so special about a quill. And a used quill, by the looks of it." Pansy crosses her arms, clearly judging Harrys choice in gift-giving.

"It's Harrys quill. I think I'll have to use it later today." Draco was satisfied with his gift. To be honest, he would've been fine if Harry hadn't gotten him anything other than actually showing up at his birthday. No one else would be brave enough - Or, lets face it, stupid enough - to do that, but Harry. And it made Draco smile. And he loved last night. He was going to add it to the list in his head of favorite nights.

The list went in no particular order, and most of the nights included Harry.

The night Harry confessed that he loved Draco. The night Harry kissed Draco for the first time. The night his mother came to his room and told him that no matter what Draco's father said, she'd always love him and he was perfect (That was when he was six and his father had made him cry purposefully for the first time). The night that Harry had saved him and he'd just cried for hours sitting next to him. The night Draco had come out to Blaise and Pansy and then Blaise came out to Pansy and Draco and it was all just a mess but it was good. The night that Harry and Draco had spent at Grimmauld Place just pretending they were a normal couple doing normal things in a normal world and Harry had cooked dinner but it went horribly wrong and he set the pasta on fire and Draco had to put it out before it set the whole house on fire, then he had to order pizza because Harrys said that was what muggles did and they were trying to be as mundane as possible. Seriously, who sets fire to pasta? How did he not know you had to add water?

And then last night. When Harry had showed up unexpectedly to a house where he knew most people would want to kill him and then they'd ended up playing music and dancing and it had been good.

"What would you have to use it for?" Blaise questioned. he sat down on Draco's bed. "I don't know, looks like a weird present to me."

"Draco, you seem to like it, you're blushing. Though I guess you just  blush whenever anything about Harry comes up." Pansy smiles, teasing her friend. Blaise nodded.

"Yeah. Don't you think things'll be weird now that everyone at Hogwarts just.... knows?" He asked.

Draco closed the box and set it down on his bedside table, sitting cross-legged on his carpet, facing Pansy and Blaise. 

"I guess." He shrugged. "But I don't really care. I thought I would care, but I just don't. I love him, you know? A lot. More than I should, probably. More than I should for sure. But, I don't know, it just feels like nothing really matters other than him." He spaced off as he spoke, his eyes wandering to the sky through his enchanted ceiling.  It had taken months of reading to figure out how to do that.

"Wow, thanks." Pansy scoffed, sitting down next to Draco and play-punching his shoulder. Blaise and Draco chuckled.

"Oh come on, you know what I mean. Obviously you guys matter, but in a different way. Like, anything could happen - people could hate me, I could get horrible grades, my father could really hurt me - none of it would matter as long as Harry is still there. I can't cry while he's existing." Draco summed up. Pansy and Blaise just looked at him like he was crazy. Draco didn't care, he knew he loved Harry and he knew that that was what made him say idiotic things, so he didn't care.

"Ok, well what about you Blaise? Don't you fancy that Longbottom boy?" Draco changed the conversation to something they all understood. Helpless crushes. Pansy practically rolled her eyes out of her head.

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