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After Harry floated back to his bed and collapsed onto it, he thought he'd never be able to fall asleep. His heart was racing too fast. His brain was still stuck on what had happened moments ago. He'd kissed Draco Malfoy. 

He couldn't really compare it to anything, and he wasn't even sure what'd happened. Why hadn't he been paying closer attention? He didn't remember how he'd moved his lips or where he'd put his arms... all he remembered was how he felt.

Like stars were exploding behind his closed eyes. Like a waterfall was rushing loudly through his whole body. Like the heat of a million fires had been lit inside his stomach. Like three thousand butterflies had gone from their home in his abdomen and were now surrounding him and Draco, enclosing them in a sanctuary of beauty. He remembered the sent of Draco. Mint like a winter frost. But he tasted warm like a summer breeze. 

He remembered that at some point he must've had his hand on Draco's cheek because he'd thought about the light scar that rested under his fingertips. That was when he remembered with a jarring effect, as if he'd just gotten thrown into cold cold water or onto hard concrete: I'm screwed.


He must've looked pretty unapproachable during breakfast in the dining hall the next day because Hermione and Ron kept elbowing each other and muttering quietly and looking to eat other, then Harry, then each other, then Harry. Finally he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Ok, I know what you want to know about, so ask away." He fluttered his hand in a dramatic matter.

Hermione blushed then rolled her eyes, a typical Hermione action; social awkward, and annoyed by your presence.

"We heard about the note in the Slytherin common rooms." She casually mentioned. "I wonder who that could've been?" She whispered sarcastically then pretended to look around for a potential student that could've done it. Ron just nudged Harry and whispered 'smooth, smooth' with an approving smile.

"Ok, you two can stop mocking me now. It was Neville that delivered it and he already asked me enough questions." Harry made sure to keep his voice low enough that only his friends would hear him. He did feel quite smug that enough people were talking about the note for it to get around to Ron and Hermione. But that feeling was soon replaced with embarrassment when Hermione seemed to remember something later in their morning meal.

"Wait, Harry! Did you end up..." She lowered her voice drastically, as if it weren't quiet enough at the start "Kissing him?!?!" She looked far too excited in Harrys opinion. He just blushed, which would continue throughout the whole of breakfast, and told Hermione and Ron that they'd talk once they were back in the safety of the common room, or somewhere private. 


"Nowhere's more private than Hagrid's new hut nowadays! He's off working on that project with  magical creatures at Ilvermorny for the year." Hermione noted as she dragged Harry and Ron down to Hagrid's repaired hut through the light frost on the ground that hadn't been there the night before. It had gotten much colder throughout the day, but at least it was a weekend now.

They all clambered through the door and Ron instantly made his way to the mantel to set a fire. Hermione sat down at the little table in the small corner of the Giants old house. It was still so strange for Harry to see the renovated version of Hagrids hut. Mostly the structure was the same, but one side had been pushed out to be bigger. There was also a new tile floor set in place. Technically, these were changes for the better. It made the place of a better quality and was more convenient for a giant. But still Harry couldn't help but remember all the memories they made there before it was burnt down. The fire used to warm up the small space faster. The tile provided only a cold feeling against Harrys shoes. He missed Hagrid.

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