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Draco woke up at six AM yo get to Hagrid's house on time. Yes, house, not hut. Draco refused to admit that someone he was acquaintances with lived in a hut. He still had trouble believing that someone as big as Hagrid could even survive living in a place that small.

But at six AM, he was too tired to think about anything. Anything other than Harry's graduation.

He was probably more excited than anyone else. He was probably more excited than Harry himself. Then again, that probably wasn't saying a lot since Harry had been acting so nonchalant about the situation last time. Can you believe it? Like graduating from Hogwarts isn't a big deal!

If Draco wasn't completely overwhelmed with happiness for his boyfriend, he might've even been jealous of how the rest of his classmates got such a better graduation experience than him, since they were in the normal graduation. He suspected that maybe that was why Harry wasn't making a big deal out of it. Because he didn't want Draco to feel left out of something so big all because he graduated early.

But Draco wasn't jealous. He was too busy being happy and excited and nervous. Nervous that Harry would trip like he did, nervous that there would be kids that made fun of them (specifically Draco), nervous that Harry would be nervous about leaving Hogwarts for good. Draco almost never saw Harry being truly nervous. He hoped that he could calm him down from his seat in the crowd somehow. He hoped that his presence would calm Harry. Usually it did, but usually Harry wasn't super nervous.

Those fast-moving kind of thoughts didn't leave Draco's mind all morning, while he woke up, ate breakfast, got dressed in some of his best robes, put his hair up with less gel than usual (Harry didn't like the gel), and left Grimmauld place with his broomstick, off for Hagrid's house.

And of course, it was raining. Rain and a light coating of gel never agreed.


"Draco! You made it in time! I was startin' ter worry, with the rain, that you'd be held back!" Hagrid's accent greeted Draco warmly. They hadn't been on speaking terms until recently, when Harry started taking Draco to Hagrid's house more often, but Hagrid always treated Draco like an old time friend. It was unusual, but refreshing. It was almost like Draco was a completely normal kid with no past and nothing for Hagrid to resent him for. In reality, there was a lot that Hagrid could resent him for.

"Hey Hagrid!" Draco called, his feet sinking into the slightly muddy ground outside of the miniature house.

"Come on inside, I'll fix yer a spot of tea."

It was warm inside. The rain was light in London, and only got slightly heavier the closer the got to Hogwarts, but he'd been out in it for long enough that it soaked through his coat. Luckily, though, it hadn't ruined his dress robes. Came close, but it didn't.

The tea also warmed him from the inside out, and calmed his nerves. he wasn't sure what he was nervous about, but the buzz of excitement and feelings around graduation is always slightly nerve wracking.

"Have you seen Harry yet today?" Draco asked between sips out of a huge tea cup.

"Yes, he came by early this mornin' and woke me up because he was panicking and he'd forgotten a tie tying spell. Had to tie his bowtie for him." Hagrid said it with a glimmer in his eye. Draco could tell that he was proud of Harrys graduation. Maybe more than anyone else. Hagrid had served as an uncle that Harry never really got to have. He watched him grow up and he took care of him. He'd always love him and see him as a son to him. Draco was glad that Harry had had someone like that. Merlin knows everyone could use a parent that wasn't biologically theirs but cared for them better even than a biological parent would. Merlin knows Draco could've used someone like Hagrid.

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