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"Harry, where were you?" Ron asked, rolling over on his bed when Harry walked in. "Weren't you supposed to get here this morning? Thats what Draco said."

Harry stopped dead in his tracks. Had Ron told Draco that he wasn't at Hogwarts? What did Draco think now? What if he got the wrong idea? What if he asked his mom? What if his mom told him?

This whole lying thing was making him paranoid and he hated it. Mostly he just hated not telling Draco the truth.

"Did you tell Draco?" Harry must've sounded worried because Ron sat up.

"No. Why? Does he not know where you were?" Now they both sounded worried.

"I've had an interesting day, lets just start at that." Harry sighed, falling onto his bed. "I'll explain tomorrow, so Hermione can be there too. I'd say you have to promise to keep it a secret but you've already done that so many times I can imagine you're tired of it." Harry wasn't sure if Ron responded because he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He missed not having Draco next to him, but he was tired enough that that wasn't the first thing on his mind.


"Hey, are you willing to skip breakfast so that I can explain what happened yesterday?"

"Sure. Hermione probably is too, I'll go ask her."

Ron left Harry in the Gryffindor boys dormitories, most of the people gone, some still sleeping in.  After all, it was a Monday. Who expected Gryffindors to get up on time on a Monday?

Harry suspected that Hermione was down in the common rooms reading. She liked to get a good hour of reading or studying in before Ron and Harry would come down to get breakfast with her.

After a few moments, Hermione came up with Ron and they all waited, talking, until everyone had eventually left the dorm and gone to breakfast, leaving them alone in the room.

"Ok, so, I don't want to make this a huge deal, because it isn't really one, but I met with Draco's mom yesterday-" He'd hoped that his tone was calming, but apparently not because Hermione interrupted him, distraught, instantly.

"Draco's mom?!? As in Narcissa Malfoy? One of the most dangerous and strong witches in the world!?!" She didn't necessarily sound happy.

"Yeah. I guess Lucius was there too, but not consciously."

Hermione absolutely lost it, going on a rant about how Harry had to be more careful and that surrounding himself with two very powerful people who probably hated his guts was about the most stupid thing he could ever do. Ron pointed out that Lucius technically wasn't powerful at the moment, and Harry pointed out that Narcissa technically didn't hate him at the moment. Both of his friends were stunned to hear that one.

"Wait, really?" Ron asked, confusion twisting his features. "What's she doing, asking to meet up with you anyways?"

So Harry explained the whole situation, starting with the owl he'd gotten, all the way through to the end.

"So basically, she laid out this whole plan for me about how I'd eventually marry Draco and that she wants me to make sure that we stay away from the Malfoy family and lay low with our names, to make sure that Lucius doesn't ruin anything for us, and if I ever hurt him in the slightest way, she'll sic Lucius on us. She also promised me that she'd be keeping in touch with Draco and so she'd know as soon as I slip up. I mean, she sounded pretty ruthless. I'm okay with all of this, obviously, because I love Draco and I can't see a universe where we end up not being together. But she also wanted me to keep the whole agreement a secret for him. That part I'm still struggling with."

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