When you wake him up

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He would be sleeping peacefully and hard to wake up since he works late every night. You would shake him but he would just roll over and say he's tired. You would just let him sleep another five minutes before waking him again.


You would get annoyed at how he doesn't wake up. So would sneak in his room before slamming two pans against each other. He would be angry and would chase you around. You would just laugh and run away.


You would shake him but he takes your arm everytime and cuddles you. You would laugh and say he has to wake up. He would just say your too soft. So both fell back asleep thile Ukyo wakes you two up.


He's always awake and ready to write a story. He wakes up before you so never get the chance to wake him up.


You would just flop yourself on him making him chough before laughing. He said he's awake so get off. You just leave him to get changed.


You don't need to wake him since he wakes up perfectly when his alarm goes off. He always needs to wake you up since you would just throw the alarm clock out the window making him yell that's the 15th one.


You two always awake at night to game. It's at the day where you two fall asleep in random places. You would wake him up by saying you bought the game he wanted. He then is angry at how you lied.


You would just shake him but he woudl say no. So then say hsi hair is a mess. He would just answer by saying he will fix it later. You sighed before taking the curling iron and say you will burn his awake. He would quickly be sitting up and saying he's awake.


You would get home and see Subaru fell asleep once again after practice. You would tell him to go shower first but he would just say he's too tired. You glared before slamming the basketball on his face and yelled your bed can't be covered in sweat. He would yell you broke his nose but you just laughed and push him in the bathroom.


He would be awake when his alarm goes off but then noticed your still sleeping so he just hugs you. You would chuckle tiredly and say you need to go to school. He would just shrug and say to skip. So both skipped since the bed was too soft to leave and his arms were too strong to get out of.


You would just kiss him. He would wake up freaking out with a red face. He would yell not to do that. You just laugh and say school's staring soon.


You would just let him sleep. It's his problem if he's too late to his job or school. Eventually do get worried and start jumping on the bed yelling he's gonan be late. He would just groan and say your a pain. You just chuckle and say you love him too.


He's always awake. He's basically a morning person. He would be jumping on your bed and yelling to wake up since it's a beautiful day. You just laugh and say he's always so happy. So both went down to go eat breakfast.

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