He gets you a gift

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I rewrote this chapter just because I noticed it had female pronouns even though this book is supposed to be for both genders.


He won't usually buy anything, but if he notices you eyeing something for a long time, he will buy it for you. He will usually wrap it in a nice wrapping paper or box. One time you were playing with Wataru when he entered with a box, and the usual excited smile he has when he has a gift for you. When you opened it and saw a necklace, will give him a big bear hug, thanking him before kissing him. Wataru will cringe and cover his eyes making you and Masaomi chuckle.


He doesn't usually buy you any gifts, but if he does buy you a gift, it will be one he will know you will love. He will be a bit nervous to hand it, becoming unsure if you really will love it. But when he gives it and notices your giant smile of happiness, he will be very happy he got you a gift.


He loves to shower you in gifts. He could have a very small amount of cash and would still buy you gifts. One time when he heard what your favorite house pet is, he immediately left and returned with the creature you always wanted as a pet. Of course in return he expects you to kiss and cuddle you the whole day.


He loves to buy you clothes and surprise you with them. Sometimes he will throw something revealing/sexy in there just for his amusement as your face goes bright red and you nervously ask what this is. But you will steal wear it, and he will be very happy he bought it because you look amazing in it.


He isn't the best with gifts, never sure what to get you. He knows what you like, but he doesn't know if you already have the object or if you will even like it. But when he gets you something, will thank him with a grin which will make him blush, thinking you are so adorable.


Just like his twin, he is bad at getting gifts. He always gets nervous and will not buy the gift out of fear that you won't like it and just make a fool of himself. There was a time he noticed you buy the first five books of a manga series so he bought the rest of the series as a gift, which made you incredibly happy and say he's the best boyfriend, which made him grin.


When he knows you have a game you wanted for a long time, he will go and buy it for you. At first he will be a bit grumpy he wasted so much cash on a new game, only to be happy when you give him a tight hug and say he is the best.


Both of you have your own hair tools. If he notices one of your tools is breaking or old, he will buy a new one in your favorite color. Your favorite gift you got from him is a hair brush with your name carved in it. Louis loves when you brush his hair with that brush.


He loves to buy stuff for you like mugs with Best Lover on it or pens with figures on it. He finds it embarrassing to give but he just likes to buy small gifts like that. When you hug him and give him a kiss, thanking him, he will have a bright red face, mumbling it's no problem.


He likes to randomly buy you chocolates and flowers and surprise you with them. He loves when you hug him tightly, thanking him before putting the flowers in a vase. He likes when you cuddle him while eating the chocolates he got you.


He doesn't get you gifts since he will get too embarrassed to give it to you. There was one time he did buy a gift for you. The way he gave the gift was; storm in your room before throwing the gift on your bed with his face as red as his hair, saying you better be grateful before storming away.


He loves to brag about the fact that he is rich so you get many expensive gifts. He will always want a kiss as a thank you when he gives you a gift. The gift is always something else. Sometimes it's something for sex like - vibrators of lingerie. It always makes him laugh when you throw it at him, yelling, asking how he even bought such items if he is underage.


Whenever he goes to a festival, he will always win a plushie or toy for you. You will give him a hug, kiss his cheek and thank him. He will just blush, proudly holding his head up high, saying he will win anything you want.

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