Which one of his brothers you first met

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You met Watari when you first met Masaomi since those two are always together. Wataru is basically like your little brother. He loves to hang out with you, which sometimes makes Masaomi jealous with how many times he steals you from him.


You were low on cash and didn't want to waste it, but you really needed a haircut. So Ukyo explained to you about his brother Louis, who would be glad to do it. And he was right, Louis gladly cut your hair. You both along fine, which made Ukyo a bit jealous with how fast you two became besties.


You were confused when you saw Kaname and some girl yelling at each other. You thought it was one of his exes, that was till Kaname shouted the word brother. You choked on your air causing the two to look. The "girl" laughed before doing his hand out, saying he is Hikaru. You awkwardly apologized before introducing yourself. You and Hikaru had a fun chat, causing Kaname to be jealous and drag you away.


You were relaxing on your bed with a white haired boy stormed in, yelling Hikaru. You and him just stared before he grinned and said he's Tsubaki. But you were speechless because a boy just stormed in, yelling your boyfriend's name. So he awkwardly left. When Hikaru returned from the store, he explained Tsubaki is his brother and he was supposed to write something for him.


You met his twins. Natsume and Azusa. They were nice, but it was rather awkward at first. Luckily Azusa began asking about your hobbies and what your job/college is. When they left, Natsume gave you a smile and said to come play video games at his place anytime soon. Of course Tsubaki wrapped his arms around you, hissed at Natsume before saying you won't go to his place alone.


Azusa forgot his script so went with him to his place. Sadly when you opened his door, flour fell all over you. Azusa was quick to yell Tsubaki's name in anger, causing a white haired boy to awkwardly apologize and wiping some flour from your shirt, which made Azusa slap his hand off you and scold him. But of course you wanted your revenge, so both have a prank war, which worries Azusa, but not enough to stop you two.


You met his brother Iori. Natsume had an accident so he had to go to the hospital. While he was there, a boy entered, holding flowers. You and him just stared at each other so long it honestly became awkward, before he walked to the nightstand, layed the flowers down before he left. You were very confused, wondering if Natsume once had a boyfriend, but Natsume was quick to yell that was his brother when he woke up.


You met his family at Miwa's wedding. They were all very kind, except Fuuto, who made fun of you, so you punched him. But besides his annoying personality, it was all fun.


You met a few of his brothers at his basketball game. They were all nice, all had fun cheering for Subaru, who blushed and mumbled to stop attracting attention. Afterwards all went eating. Masaomi and Louis were the nicest, saying to come to them if you need a hair cut or get sick and they will happily help.


You met his brothers at a festival. They were nice and all had fun. Iori was jealous, holding your waist tightly the whole evening. Wataru kept dragging you to carts where you won prizes for him. Iori was annoyed Wataru kept stealing you.


You met Fuuto while waiting for Yuusuke to get out his classroom. Fuuto kept teasing you, which made you want to punch him, but then both got a topic you both like and both got along. Of course Yuusuke didn't like that and told Fuuto to stay away from you before dragging you away.


You both got detention. As you both wanted to walk to your place, a car pulled up and the window rolled down, showing a handsome blond man. He winked at you as he introduced himself as Fuuto's older brother Kaname. Fuuto just glared at his brother, pulling you closer before telling Kaname to get his own lover. Since then, Kaname loved to make flirting jokes at you just to see Fuuto's annoyed reactions.


You walk with him to his home a lot so see his brothers a lot. Their very nice, always thanking you for walking Wataru home.

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