When you both build a blanket fort

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He and Wataru were both bored so you got an idea. You ask if they wanna build a fort. They looked confused so you threw them pillows and blankets. So all maked a blanket fort. You help Wataru in before asking if Masaomi wants to enter. Masaomi nodded. So all had fun in it before falling asleep.


He's always working. You ran down, almost falling off the stairs. He looked so you ask if he wants to have some fun. He raised his eyebrow. You took his hand so both build a blanket fort. He asked why he needs to stay in it. you lay down with head on his lap. Said because blanket forts are cool. He said it's boring. You roll eyes and said he needs to be more creative. So both watched a movie on your Ipad in the blanket fort. Kaname took a picture when he found you two asleep in it.


He asked what you wanna go for the date. You did head back, to head. Said you don't feel like going out. He smirked and ask if you wanna build something. You raise eyebrow. So somehow both build a fort. It fell so you got angry. Kaname just laughed and said that happens a lot. So both redid it before both entering. Of course it ended up in having sex in there. Kaname chuckled and said blanket fort sex is awesome. You slap his arm while laughing.


He was complaining of too much light so got an idea. Called him upstairs so he enetered your room with his laptop, still typing. He looked up and stopped typing. He stared at the blanket fort. He entered and saw you. He asked what your doing. He took a seat aside you. You said it's dark in here and you can cuddle him then. So he sat aside you and began working, finally you could cuddle him. You watch the bright screen. Ask why the light was a problem. He said his eyes are becoming old. He pouted so kiss his lips before hugging him again. He smiled.


He was building a blanket fort so ask what he's planning. He said to hep. He threw you a blanket so laugh. Help. He asked if you ever done it. You said no. He seemed surprised. He pulled you in it so whined when knees hit the ground. He said sorry. He hugged you and said he veen got the TV in it. so both watched TV while cuddling under the blanket fort.


He was trying to learn his script but he couldn't get in his character. You ask why not. He explained the scenario. You said it's kinda similar to a blanket fort. He said to help him. Both build one then got in. So you helped him with his script. He asked why your staring. You laugh and said he's so cute when trying to read text. He blushed and said not to insult his glasses. You said your not. Kiss his temple before reading the script to help him.


He said the light is ruining his game. His curtains were thorn by the cats so he can't hide the light. You sighed and threw his a blanket. He smirked so ask what. He said you gave him an idea. So both build a fort. You sat aside him while watching him game. You shook his arm saying you wanna play Borderlands. He said in a moment so you cross arms. He ruffled your hair saying your a child. You glare before unplugging his game so he screamed he didn't save. You laugh but then ran when seeing him take a Nerf gun.


He was tired so you ask if he wants to sleep in your blanket fort. He raised his eyebrow so drag him along. You open door and did a dramatic arm to the fort. He sighed and said he would have helped build it. you said he did your hair so no. Both got in. He fell asleep immediatly on your lap. You stroke his hair as he was so pretty sleeping. You were getting jealous at how beautiful he is.


He came back from a game of basketball. He said his legs hurt. You told him to help so it will go faster. He asked help with what. He took the pillow you held out to him. You said blanket fort. You both build it fast before laying in it. He was blushing at how close you layed near him. You stretch before saying your also tired. you hug Subaru so he hugged back. Both fell asleep.


He called you over so you jog upstairs. Ask what. He asked if you wanna join him. You nod when seeing the big blanket fort. You roll in and hit him. Giggle when seeing him glare a bit. You ask what he's planning to do now. He said a movie so you nod. He asked what you wanna watch. You stare at the stack of DVD's. Said you wanna watch Train To Busan. He nodded in approve. Both layed there, watching Train To Busan.


He and you both in school, bored. You ask if he ever build a blanket fort. He said as a kid but it broke so he never did it again. You quickly drag him to your house after school. Both build one. He blushed when you sat close aside him. Said this is so fun. He said it's boring. You did middle finger up saying your having fun. He watched you with a blush as you smiled.


You were talking with one of your co-workers. HE kept flirting so you sighed. Finally got home and saw a big blanket fort. You lean down and ask what he's doing. Fuuto sat on some pillow, crossed arms, looking angry. He said he wants to kill that dude. You smile and crawl in the fort. Hug him and said he was a bastard. You sit on his lap before asking who build this. HE shrugged saying Wataru helped. You ask where he is then. Fuuto said gone to get him some soda. YOu slap his back head before seeing Wataru enter. You three all played. You found it cute how Fuuto is so nice to Wataru.


He ran in your room and yelled he wants a blanket fort. You sighed before taking the so many pillows from your bed. So both build a fort before you ask if it's good. He nodded and went in. You continue your reading on Wattpad of some Lemons. Heard Wataru yell to come in. You said your busy. He let out a whimper so quickly enter. Both played with his plushies.

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