Chapter 30: Interview With Fans

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(A/N: Hey guys. So I just want to thank @wiggles99999, @60Soccer, and @officialEmilyPage for entering your questions. You guys are da bomb, and  I love getting to read all of your awesome comments, and thank you for making Wattpad awesome! And to everyone else, if you didn't get your questions in until after I posted this chapter, you can still ask them. I want you to get whatever questions you have answered, so go ahead and ask! Alright, enjoy! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and follow! Love yah all!)

Tasha: "Now, you're gonna have to act really sad," Steve coached me. I was in a black blazer and black skinny jeans.

"I know how to do a press conference," I pointed out to him.

"Yes, but you are not the best actress," Steve admitted,  shrugging.

"I'll be fine," I said, putting a little more gas on my Lotus,  causing Steve to bolt back in his seat. He hated when I drove fast.

"Okay okay," Steve said. We pulled up at the parking lot of Stark Industries HQ.

"I love you," I told him.

"Then why do you try to kill me with your driving?" Steve asked.

"Because you're already dead and I drive good enough not to kill myself," I said, kissing him.

"Love you too, Miss. Stark, " Steve said, "Now go cry over my dead body,"

"Okay okay," I laughed, "Pushy for a dead guy."

Steve laughed and I got out of the car, walking in to the front doors of the Stark Industries conference room. 

Tony: I looked out at the reporters and camera's.  "It's good to see you all today," I began, "In light of the death of an American hero." Reporters all raised their hands at the same time. I pointed to one.

"As the newest director of SHIELD,  what comes next?" the reporter asked.

"Next?" I asked, "Uh, I guess that would be trying to rebuild what we had with all our Super heroes, try to gain some back, and team them together to recreate the same world as we had before."

"What about Captain America? Will we do anything with his spot in the Super hero world?" a new reporter asked.

"Our plan is to retire the shield, so to speak," I said. We believed this would give Bucky the most dramatic entrance.

"What about Natasha. Will she be resuming all hero work after what happened?" another reporter asked.

"I believe that's a question to ask her," I said, smiling.

"Do take any blame for the fall of Captain America? " a reporter asked.

"I was following orders, and I suppose that doesn't justify it. I feel terrible for what I did, and I would do anything to take it back," I said, rehashing my feelings from only three days ago. "And to be honest, I wish I could have fought with him. I apologize to everyone for my actions, even if they were just following orders."

"Why did you choose to follow orders now? It's not like you have a history of it." (A/N: Question asked by @60Soccer)

"I felt it was my duty to follow SHIELD's orders since I was their leading ally. But obviously that was a mistake," I answered, sadness fading into my voice. 

"Is it possible Captain America still lives. I mean he was dead for 70 years before this. Thoughts?" a reporter asked.

"In a perfect world, I would tell you he's just hanging up the mask. I would love to believe that is the case, but the difference between this chance and before was that we found this guy's body. We know he's dead. Last time his body was missing. So I'm sorry to say he really is dead."

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