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Xi'Ai Meriem

"What happened? Why did you leave me? Gēgē's are supposed to stay with their sisters, not leave them." I pouted as I stared at my one and only childhood friend. His family moved to China after we both finished middle school. Highschool was rough without him.

"I'm sorry, Meriem. It's not like I could control what my parents did at 14. Besides...I came back for you."

I smiled up at him. Life is just about to get a whole lot better.

"How is your sister doing?" My eyes widen as I realized the many things I had to catch him up on.

"She was able to achieve her dream and is now a concert pianist. I'm so proud of her!" Even though me and my sister fight a lot more after our parents died, I still look up to her.

"Awesome, I'll have to say "hello" one day. How's your parents doing?"

My smile faded as I had forgotten that I still had parents when he left the country. I know it was an innocent question, but it still hurt. Putting on a fake smile, I promised to take him to visit tomorrow. His eyes reflected concern at my sudden change. Aish, I can't pretend around my all seeing Gēgē.

Opening my mouth to tell him what happened, the sound of a phone interrupted me. With relief, I watch as he fumbles in his jacket for his phone. His eyes fade a little as he slowly goes back to his professional composure. "I will be there in a couple of minutes." Hanging up he turns to me apologetically.

"Don't worry about it, Joshua. We can talk tomorrow." He nods his head but still looks unsure as to whether he should leave me or not.

"At least let me walk you home. It's getting dark...."

"I'm fine." I promised as I gathered my things to leave. The moment was shattered, but I knew that there would be more precious moments in the coming days.

"Okay...then let's exchange phone numbers so that in case you get in trouble, you can call me." The feeling of being cared for warmed my body as I pulled out my phone. After exchanging our numbers, he waved one final goodbye for the day before jogging off to wherever. I can't believe I forgot him.....


After my outing with Joshua, I was walking home when I get a call from an unknown number.

"Wei?" (Greetings for phone calls)

"It's Lǐ . Meet me on the peer near your house."

"Why?! Rèn, how do you even know where I live?"

Ignoring the fact that I called him by his nickname, he takes a deep breath before answering. "I found another one."

My blood runs cold as Rèn hangs up on me. Shoving my phone in my bag, I sprint for the familiar peer that I always went to clear my thoughts.

The sun had disappeared below the horizon, as the sound of water splashing against the wooden peer awakened my senses to long forgotten memories. Seeing a shadowy figure pacing on peer 8, I quietly walk towards him.

"Rèn?" I asked tentatively. The shadowy figure quickly turns towards the sound of my voice.

"Oh, Thank goodness. You're safe."


"Listen, the Headmaster asked me to clean it up, but I need another pair of eyes to make sure I don't leave any tracks."

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