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It is quiet.

The sun lightly touches the face of a small girl. She looks like she is sleeping peacefully.

The beautiful scene is shattered when the girl quickly opens her eyes. Sitting up in her bed she feels her face only to notice that it is wet.

Looking at the window, the metal bars remind her that she has yet to awaken from her nightmare.


Lǐ Míngqín

I bite my lower lip before slightly shaking my head. The warm feeling of the morning sun on my skin felt stale in contrast to the pasty white room that I lived in.

My feet hit the cold stone floor as I stretch my arms. Looking at the only piece of decoration on my wall in the form of a calendar, my eyes zero in on today's date.

My first day of school since the incident.

I take my uniform which was hanging on my dresser and I quickly change. The black skirt grazed the top of my knees. While the sleeves on my shirt barely hides my marks.

This won't do....

I look around my room until I found my only coat that I was given.

Walking to my bedroom's door, I gently knock on the door. The sound of the lock sliding signaled for me to open.

The guard that was stationed today gave me a nod before allowing me to walk outside.

"It's going to be unusually warm today, Miss." The guard eyed my heavy coat with concern.

The outer sides of my eyes wrinkle as I smile at him. This new guy has been treating me like his own daughter.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I quickly assured him before I waved goodbye to him. I walk down the long hallway before I scanned my ID that would allow me to leave this government facility disguised as an apartment complex.

Patient 23664 is leaving the premise.

Sigh......only a couple more years until I can be free from this jail they call a home.

I ignore the sound of the monitor as I open the exit. The cool refreshing breeze hits my face as I take my first step outside in months.

As if I lived a life without color, the scene before me felt like a dream. The beautiful blue winter sky welcomed me as I began my walk towards my college.

Yinyue. The biggest school of Fine Arts in the country.


Leaning my head on my desk, I gaze through my classroom window and watch the snow gently fall to the ground.

The snow reminded me of a blank canvas that was just waiting for someone to draw on.

I wish my life was like that snow. Pure and ready for a fresh start..

I am the sole survivor of the Fènghuáng Village that was hidden inside the heart of China. My people were slaughtered in search for a mysterious person. Evidently, they were searching for something that was born from a rumor since they never found that person.

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