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Lǐ Míngqín

Staring at myself through the bathroom mirror, I couldn't help but gasp. My once white skin had turned an eerie bluish-greenish color. Flashback of the girls warning me to stay away from Tàiyáng causes me to feel dizzy and nauseous. I thought I had shielded myself from most of the blows.... all well.

I'll have to start avoiding Tàiyáng if I want to last through this semester.

"I'm glad he doesn't know where I live. I think this place may raise questions for him." I thought to myself as my eyes gravitate towards the bars on my bedroom window.


When I entered the classroom, the atmosphere in the air was tense as everyone's nervousness permeated through the air causing the classroom to be clouded with some sort of dark energy. What could cause such an atmosphere that effects an entire classroom?

Two words: Performance Assessment.

If they had practiced like they were supposed to, they shouldn't have to worry.

Because of what happened yesterday, I noticed this morning that I couldn't help but frown every time I moved my arms or legs. Trying not wince when I sat down, I attempted to find a comfortable position that didn't put pressure on any major bruises.
Having free time before the Assessment, I take out a blank notebook and my music player.

Turning the music up loud so that the background noise of the classroom gets drowned out, I tap my led pencil on the blank paper.

"Hey, Lǐ! Can we borrow your notes?" Some of the classmates had gathered around my desk while I was lost in my thoughts. I was about to refuse when I remembered what they did last time I had refused.

Reaching for my notebook, a hand stopped me. Startled, I look up to see Tàiyáng's piercing eyes. Shaking his head, Tàiyáng looked up at the students and gave them a fake smile. "If anyone needs her notes, it would be me since I'm new."

Sighing in frustration, they nodded their heads at the transfer student. "Her notes aren't that great anyway." One student muttered as he kicked my book bag

When the teacher walked in, everything became quiet as he passed out the order of performances. Girls first and then the Boys perform.

After finishing signing my name in the time slot I wanted, I checked my watch and calculated that I had enough time to go to my hideout before school ended. So I silently leave the polluted classroom and make my way to the empty auditorium.

Finally, a place where I can find peace of mind!

A soft light bathes the stage that made the ivory keys on the grand piano gleam. I walk up onto the stage and the sound of my feet echoed throughout the empty room. Seeing myself reflected from the instrument as I circled the baby grand piano, I couldn't help but frown. I can't even recognize myself anymore....

Propping open the lid for better sound, I walk towards the piano bench and adjusted it to my size. Sitting down and testing the feet pedals, I begin with simple scales to warm up. Once the muscles in my fingers were warmed up enough, I began to play more intense songs that tested the flexibility of my fingers.

Closing my eyes, I can almost feel the notes surround me as they harmonize and danced around my head. Ahhh my first love.... When the climax of the song came, I applied more pressure to the keys trying to search for the reason why I once loved to play.

The Song of Our Hearts    { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now