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Tàiyáng POV

Seeing Songbird so sad, I began to doubt myself. Am I worth her love? She is so delicate, I'm afraid if I touch her, she will break. Because of my past, do I deserve to love? Or will it forever haunt me like a re-occuring nightmare?

But because I hesitated, she began to run away from me. I was about to chase her when my phone began to ring.

Why is Sēnlín calling me?

Knowing that chasing her without having answers myself, I turn away from where she ran off to.

As I began to walk home, I screamed at myself. Why did I hesitate? I should have confessed to her then.....so why?.....

By the time I had made it to my house, I had come to a solid conclusion. Whether if I am worthy of her love or not: I do love her.

A sense of peace filled me as I reached a decision. Tomorrow is her birthday. I will fix everything then. When I entered the dark house, I quietly shut the door. Turning the lights on, I expect to see Sēnlín who usually stays up to wait for me until I return home. But instead of greeting me with his usual scowl, his face showed a panicked expression?

Confused, I approached him only to find that he was sitting on a sofa across from our parents!

Darn it! I internally cursed at myself as I plastered a fake smile onto my face at the sight of my parents.

I acknowledged them with a tilt of my head to them as I said their names. "Mother. Father. It's been a while. To what do I owe the honor of seeing you?"

"Sit down." My father said coldly. I obediantly sat next to Sēnlín that was far from our parents.

Looking at them, I notice that they must have been drinking before they arrived since their cheeks were a slight tinge of pink and Mother was still holding a glass full of wine. They have a low tolerance for alcohol, and yet they consume so much of it.

"I tried to warn you" Sēnlín whispered under his breath as I sat down. I inwardly groaned at myself again. Out of all the days, why did our parents choose to get drunk today?

"Where were you, Tàiyáng?" Mother said. Ice could be warmer than the tone of her voice.

While my parents let me do whatever I wanted when I lived with them, I felt empty since they neither hated me nor loved me. Just indifference. They rarely speak to us, but whenever they drink, their mouths loosen and we always hear what they have been keeping to themselves.

When I moved in with Sēnlín, he was the only one who acknowledged me as a person instead of looking at me through glazed eyes.

Because of that, he is also the only family member I've truly acknowledged since he was the one that not only loved me, but disciplined me whenever I got in trouble.

Even though I hate getting admonished by him....he was the only one that actually saw me.

He also knows my secrets....

"Tàiyáng, answer me when I ask you a question! Where were you?" Mother yelled which broke my train of thoughts.

"I was with a school friend." I quietly answered while refusing to look them in the eyes.

"At 11:46 p.m.?" She raised her finely plucked eyebrows at me.


"Don't lie to your mother." My father raised his voice at me.

"Like you would know if I was lying or not." I muttered

"We know you would never make friends. Ever since that accident you had a couple years back, you will never have people who will cease to fear you." My father sneered at me. I clenched my hands in anger, but glazed my eyes of all emotions like my brother.

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