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"Xiǎo, hurry up or we will be late." I called out as I prepared to go into town with the boy. The girls were planning on making a cake for him while I distracted Xiǎo.

"Can we watch a movie?"

"Hmmm, it is your birthday...I guess we could splurge on a movie." I winked down at him. Today was t last day of winter break and we were going to celebrate his birthday together before everyone went back to school.

"What were you planning on watching?" I asked innocently.

"Train to Busan!"

"Uhhh, sure. What is it about?"

"Oh, it's an action movie. All of the kids at school were talking about it." Xiǎo said excitedly.

Something in the back of my mind didn't feel right but since it was his birthday...

"Sounds good to me."

When we arrived at the movie theatre, I bought two tickets with my allowance for the nine o'clock morning showing.

"We have some time before the movie starts, is there anything you want to do..." but before I could finish, Xiǎo interrupted me.

"Gē!" (Slang for Gēgē)

"Gē?! Xiao, you don't have a Gē." Turning my head to where he pointed, I could see Tàiyáng and Jùn walking towards us.

"Hǎojiǔ bùjiàn(Long time no see), Míngqín." Jùn waved to me.

"Who is that? " Xiǎo asked me shyly.
"Another friend." I whispered to him.

"Are you watching a movie as well?" I asked the two boys.

"Yep, we are going to watch Train to Busan. " Tàiyáng said excitedly. "Jùn wouldn't shut up about it. He told me I needed to learn more about Korean culture."

"Oh, so are we." I innocently said.

Shocked, Tàiyáng exchanged looks with Jùn. "I didn't think you were a post-apocalyptic type of person." Tàiyáng said with a concerned look.

"Post-apoc...what?! I thought it was a children's movie." Looking down at Xiǎo, he had a guilty look on his face.

"But don't worry, we will sit next to you in case you get scared." Jùn tried to reassure us.

"Really?!" Xiǎo said excitedly. "Wait until I tell the kids at school that I watched it with upperclassmen!"

"Wait a moment! I don't think..."

"Come on, Songbird. We'll cover Xiǎo's eyes if it gets too gory." Tàiyáng said with a persuasive voice.

"Well, I guess...no wait ..gory?!!!" I frowned when Jùn and Tàiyáng started cracking up laughing. Taking my hand, Tàiyáng and Jùn led us into the dark theatre.

"Why is everyone interrupting me?!" I grumbled under my breath as we found seats near the front. Tàiyáng and Jùn position themselves on both sides of Xiǎo and I sat between Tàiyáng and the aisle.


After the movie, I was clinging to Tàiyáng's arm as we stumbled into the bright morning light.

"That was awesome!" Xiǎo said as Jùn and him were discussing their favorite scenes. "Korean cinema is pretty cool."

"I don't think I can close my eyes ever again." I moaned as I released my hold on Tàiyáng when my feet felt steady.

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