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Why did you get them?

It must have been so hard for you to do that. I know I would never have done it.

Aren't you scared they might burn your house down or worse. They could endanger you and your real children.

I've heard that children from orphanages have mental problems so you better watch them closely!

Why would you adopt children from out of the country? There are plenty of children here that need good homes.

At least get children of your own race!

I gasp for air as I jerk straight up in bed. Panting, I swing my legs across the bed and hop down. Walking to my bathroom mirror, I turn the lights on to see my reflection in the mirror.

But all I see are cold lifeless eyes staring back at me.

Why is she so emotionless? She is so cold, why doesn't she smile like a normal person?

Why does she not like children? Five year olds should know how to take care of children at that age. Maybe she hates children.

Oh, I'm sorry dear, you and your sister look so much a like, I can't remember your name.

Your Japanese right? No? I know your one of them foreigners over there. Can't tell because you all look a like.

Why don't you go back to where you came from?

"Stop!" I screamed at the mirror as I covered my ears. But my hands cannot block the words that have already pierced my heart. They will forever follow me.

Tears fall down from my lifeless eyes. I try to smile at the mirror, but my smile faltered and then broke. What did I do to deserve this?

"Please, someone.....anyone! Make the voices go away!" I sob as the mirror I was intently staring at breaks and shatters the reflection of my face.

I guess that was my answer.


Blood. I hate it. No, I do not faint or scream when I see blood.


I hate blood that ties certain people together. The bond that holds people and unites them together creating something called love. Blood ties are the most valued by those who do not have it and the thing most taken for granted by those who do have it.

Because what happens when you lack that special bond?

As you read this book, you will be able to see through my eyes the world that I live in. The terror and the shame I experience.  But through all that I've been through....I was able to find someone.

Someone who loved me.....


Xi'Ai Meriem POV

It's dusk and the sun was losing the battle between the night sky as I walked down the streets. Looking everywhere to make sure that no one was watching, I slip through an even darker alley-way where I climbed a metal staircase that was connected to the brick building.

Entering through the door, I make my way down the eerie looking hallway as the carpeted floor creaked underneath my weight. The darkness covered the imperfections of the building while the putrid smell of alcohol suffocated the always present scent of blood that stained the whole establishment. As I enter into a dimly lit room that was labeled Dressing Room, the toxic fumes clouded my thinking as I tried not to breathe too much of it in.

The Song of Our Hearts    { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now