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Tàiyáng's POV

As I watch the wheels of the plane kiss the ground, the cabin of the plane shuddered from the impact as the lights above flickered. As if awakening from a deep slumber of silence, the voice of the stewardess broke the spell as every began to talk at once causing confusion to flood the cabin. When the seat belt light dimmed, everyone jumped out of their seats and chaos insured. I decided to stay seated and wait since I was in no rush to get off. Taking two flights, one from the States to Canada and another from Canada to China, made me extremely exhausted and disoriented when I finally stood up from my seat.

Grabbing my small suitcase from the overhead compartment, I make my way through the terminal. Looking around for a familiar face, I grin when I spot him.

"Wáng Jùn!"

Going over to greet him, Jùn smiles back and offers to help carry my suitcase, but I decline.

"What have I missed for the past couple of months? I've been away for way too long....." I tried to sound casual, but deep inside I was tense and nervous.

How is Songbird doing? I hope she will forgive me for leaving without notice for such a long time...and right after our first argument....

While waiting for the transit bus that will take us into town, Jùn filled me in on everything that I missed. When we boarded I decided to escape into my thoughts. I should never have left, maybe Songbird wouldn't have lapsed into the coma....

The jostling of the bus rocked me to sleep until Jùn poked me in the ribs causing me to jerk myself awake when we finally reached our destination. Squinting from the afternoon light after we exited the bus, I'm surprised to see Jùn walking in the wrong direction. "Don't you want to come in? Sēnlín will feed you."

Jùn snorted. "I'll eat his food when I want to skip classes. Besides....I'm getting this weird feeling that something isn't right. I'm going to Měi's and see if she is okay." Jùn shouted as he continued to walk away.

I frowned. Jùn and Měi always had these weird thing that connected them....

Dismissing the thought, I look around me and smile.

I'm home.


Setting my suitcase down, I drop my heavy bag onto the floor. "Hello? Is anyone here?" The echo of my voice answered my question as I checked my watch. He should be done his shift by now....

Shrugging my shoulders, I go upstairs to take a quick shower and then maybe eat. Once I was clean, I go over to my suitcase and retrieve a leatherbound journal I had bought in the U.S. since I had left mine here. Flipping through the pages, I stop at a certain page. A sudden thought struck me as I grabbed a pencil from Sēnlín's desk. Scribbling on the page furiously, I covered three pages full of sloppy looking notes dancing on neat lines of the journal. Satisfied, I hold the pencil in my mouth as I go to retrieve my violin.

Cold at first touch, I gently rest it underneath my chin and place the bow on the strings. Lets see how this sounds...

Shaking my head, I gently tune the violin that wasn't touched in months.

Trying again, I play the newly made melody that I had just scribbled down as I listen closely to the sound.

"It needs something." I said aloud as I scrunched my forehead. Laying the violin back in its case, I contemplated what I was missing in the song. Snapping my fingers, I grab my journal and walk downstairs to the old piano we had near the dining room window. Placing the journal onto the piano, I play a couple of scales to warm up and then try the medley.....

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