Final- Part 1 of 2

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The sad sound of crying echoes throughout the crisp morning air as fog has settled in on us. Our surroundings are dulled by the fear of rain as sorrow surrounds the place and sufficates its inhabitants.

Crying uncontrollably, I kneel down near the grave and sit there as rain pours down on my head mixing with my tears. My hands grasp the loose dirt around me as I wish that I had died along with him.

There were so many things that I wanted to do with you.

Warm hands encircle me as someone hugs me from behind. 

"I miss him....why didn't I appreciate him when he was still alive? There were so many things I wanted to ask him. Mysteries that are still left unsolved." I sobbed as my tears mixed with raindrops.

"I know." Tàiyáng whispers as he kneels down beside me. Grimacing, he tenderly holds his side. Underneath the grey funeral suit were stitches and bandages that covered his whole abdomen. Holding a red umbrella over both of us, we pay our respects to a mound of dirt that held no gravestone and no body.

Staring down at a picture of him on top of his memorial, I cried for the brother that was taken away from me so fast.

After a while, Tàiyáng urges me to get up from the damp ground in case I catch a cold. Helping me get up, we silently walk down the slippery hill. The steady sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella surprisingly soothed me.

"I got a letter in the mail that was addressed to you."
Curious, I followed Tàiyáng into his house were everyone was gathered.

"Hey, Míngqín. How are you feeling?" Měi asked with concern on he face as she gave me a quick hug.

"Her brother died. How do you think she's feeling?" Jùn retorted which he was rewarded with a swift elbow jab in his gut and a stern look from Měi

Seeing the two couple made me smile as Tàiyáng handed me a bulky letter. Turning it to the front, I slit it open with my nails and remove the letter from the envelope. I gasp when I see my brother's handwriting.

To my most loved Míngming,
    I finally found you! I have been searching for you ever since the "incident" and no matter how much I reason with myself that what I did was for the best, regret still clings to me. When I finally got to see you, I almost cried. You look so much like mom....Anyway,  since you were still young when our parents died, a lot of our parents memories I have hidden for you to find. So it would be like giving you one last memory of us.....or what could have been. I talked to Sēnlín about this, and after this final adventure, you will be able to understand my past and why it took me so long to find you.

Looking up from the letter, I saw Tàiyáng's eyes glint with excitment..

"The plane leaves in a few hours. I'll tell you more about your brother's scheme on the plane there."

I widen my eyes in surprise as I looked around the room of excited faces.

Rolling in a packed suitcase, Měi hands me the handle.  "Have a safe trip."

"We'll take care of Dàngāo for you." Jùn reassured me.

"And I'll make sure that Jùn doesn't kill her through carelessness. " Měi siad sweetly

"Hey, I would make a great dad!"

Měi rolls her eyes. "In your dreams. " She mumbled underneath her breath.

As I watch the two banter with each other, Tàiyáng whispers something into my ear which makes me giggle.

"They act like a married couple."  I whispered back.

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