
53 13 16

Songbird's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My eyes flutter open as I could hear the distant sound of beeping. Groaning, my head begins to pound as my eyes couldn't focus on anything and everything seemed blurry. My fingers slightly twitch as I tried to move my arms. Why does my body feel so heavy?

"Míngqín!" Someone gasped as I saw a flitter of movement near the corner of my peripheral view. My eyes tried to focus on the face in front of me. Is that.... Měi ?

Slowly, my vision cleared as I could now see Měi's face clearer.

"Where am I?" I croaked out. I started to cough since my throat was so dry.

Měi frowned at me. "You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

Měi bit her lip as she looked at me with a worried expression. Just then a doctor entered the room with a clipboard.

"Ah, Miss Lǐ Míngqín, you have awaken. We were beginning to worry about you." He smiled down at me as he started writing on his clipboard.

"Hi, my name is Chén Sēnlín and I am your doctor. How are you feeling now?"


My eyes widen as realization hits me. Tears gather in my eyes as I remember running away from Tàiyáng. My heart's monitor began to beep rapidly as more of my memories resurface.

"Miss Lǐ, please calm down. Your pulse is rising at a dangerous level." He panicked as he tried to comfort me. "Was it something I said?"

I wipe my tears away as I took deep breathes. "Are you related to Tàiyáng??"

Doctor Sēnlín slightly nodded his head. "He is my little brother."

"Where is Tàiyáng? I need to talk to him....."

Doctor Chén Sēnlín raised his eyebrows in surprise. Turning to Měi, they exchange a couple of words that I couldn't catch.

"He is....out of country for a while. We don't know when he will return."

My heart plummeted. Did he leave because of me?

"Miss. Lǐ, you shouldn't worry about Tàiyáng. He will come back soon. Right now, it would be wise if you rested some more. Your body has finally begun to decay from the effects of the experiment that has caused you to lapse into a coma."

Coma? I started to panick as I began to feel a shortness of breath. "How long have I've been in here?" I asked as my eyes moved from the Doctor Sēnlín to Měi .

While the doctor moved out of my peripheral vision, I beg Měi for information. "How long have I've been in this coma?"

Měi looked at me with sorrow as she held up 4 fingers. "Four days? That's not bad...." I muttered to myself.

No, Míngqín...its been four months."

The beeping of my monitor began to go crazy as a ringing sound filled my ears. Four months?! Suddenly the feeling of something sharp puncturing my skin makes me jerk from the pain only to feel drowsy all of a sudden. A needle?
Darkness mercifully covers me as I calmly begin to sleep.....


Groaning again, I slowly open my eyes. I attempted to sit up, but my arm was connected by clear tubes through a needle taped to my forearm which prevented me from moving. Grabbing them in my hands, I quickly rip them off my arm. Tssk, that hurt.

My eyes begin to tear up, but I force down the urge to cry.
Now is not the time to cry.....

Slowly, I attempt to move into a sitting position. Pushing with the palm of my hands, I grit my teeth from the pain as I rested my back against the headboard. After I completed that simple task, I was gasping for air like a fish out of water.

Why am I so weak?

Looking around my room, I notice that I'm alone. The curtains were closed so I couldn't tell if it was day or night time. Once I regained a little of my energy back, I contemplated if I should attempt walking.

Fear struck me cold as random images flashed through my mind.

Operating table. Needles. Whispering voices. Pain.

I need to get out of here...I'm scared. This room seems way to familiar...I need to see Tàiyáng....I feel safe when I am with him. I need to apologize. I don't care what happened or whose fault it is....I just want to be with him.

I knew I was thinking irrational, but being in this hospital brought too many memories that I couldn't relive. Not now.

Checking the door's window to make sure no one was watching me, I carefully swing my legs over and let them dangle off the side of the bed. On the count of three, I'll attempt to stand....after that, I'll try walking.





I slowly pushed myself off the bed and my bare feet make contact with the cold floor. But instead of bracing the small impact of my weight, my feet collapse underneath me as I crumble to the ground. Holding my upper body up with my hands so my face didn't hit the ground, the chilly floor seep through my light nightgown sending chills to my skin.

Why can't I feel my legs?

I scratch at my legs and pinch them, but I couldn't feel anything. Suddenly the tears that I was holding back began to fall without my permission and I began to cry. Sitting up, I lean against the leg of the hospital bed since I didn't have enough energy to pull myself back onto the bed. Holding my head in my hands, scary memories of my past chilled me more than the cold floor.

I remember now. I was supose to die. Fènghuáng wasn't a village. It was a storage place for experiments that had gone wrong. It was a place for the dying...

While more memories of my past assaulted my weak mind, the slight glint of the needle that I had pulled out of my arm earlier caught my eye.

Grabbing it, I aim it towards one of my legs and slam it down which punctured my skin. The sight of my blood running down my leg almost made me faint, but I stayed determined. I remember now...why did I ever forget?

I repeatedly stabbed my leg with the needle, but the only pain I felt was in my heart. My life is a lie......stab...... My brother didn't betray me.....stab.......no...he was trying to escape......stab...... why didn't I leave with him?...stab......stab.....would it just be easier if I just.......

Suddenly, the door to my room opened and Doctor Sēnlín walked in. As I looked up with teary eyes and blood all over me, I saw the look of horror on his face as he looked down at my pitiful figure. I'm a monster.....

With a bittersweat smile, I look up into Doctor's eyes that looked so much like Tàiyáng's and mouthed what my heart was saying while pleading with my eyes

"I want to die."

I aim the needle for a vital vein point.


I made this a short one since the last chapter was so long ;) Will Songbird really end her life? I guess that would end this story if she did.......but I kind of like this story. So I guess you will have to read the next chapter to find out. <3

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