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Tàiyáng POV

When we reached Měi's cafe, we were greeted by Songbird.

"Oh hello." She blushed while greeting us.

"Do you work here, now?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes. I'm so happy because of it. Měi is teaching me how to cook."she said.
She looked so pretty with her hair tied up....

After ordering, we both found an empty seats to sit in. "Looks like someone will be coming here more often." Jùn winked at me. I punched his arm. "Stop it. Besides, it's not like she feels the same way."

"I could tell you differently."

I paused a minute. How would Jùn know something I wouldn't about Songbird?

"Tell me."

"On one condition." Jùn held up one finger.

I hesitated. Jùn has been known for his unreasonable conditions, should I dare? "I don't know....."

Jùn shrugged his shoulders. "If you wish." Darn it. That makes me more curious.....

"Is it worth your condition?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Tell me the condition first. Then I'll wager if the information you have is worth your condition." I leaned back in my chair and watched in amusement as Jùn contemplated telling me or not.

"Fine, I'll tell you. I found a stray dog wondering the streets last week and took him in. But my parents weren't as sympathetic towards him as I was. I can't abandon him with good conscience... so I need a good home for him. Could you take care of him? You and Sēnlín are the only one's living in your house, right?"

"......it depends on Sēnlín. He was appointed the head of the house since my parents are rarely home. I'll text you his reply, but other than that, I'm fine with it."

Jùn sighed in relief. "I'm glad, that's been worrying me for awhile."

"Why didn't you ask Měi? She loves puppies."

"I did already, but her parents won't allow it."

"Okay, now give me the info."

Jùn looked unsure, but then shrugged his shoulders. "Yesterday, I stumbled upon more information about Míngqín's village in the college library."

"Really?! Tell me!"

"The book, Project Fènghuáng, is a compilation of birth records from everyone who was born in that village. I even managed to find Míngqín's birthday." Jùn paused and looked at me expectantly.

"Okay....does knowing her birthday have a meaning for the moment?

"Geez, you watch all these anime shows and you still have zero ounce of romance in you.

"Nor do you."

"Point taken. Anyway, you can confess to her on her birthday."

"What if...she says no?" I asked

"That is what love is. Love wouldn't be half as fun if it was predictable."

I laughed. "Okay, I'm listening. Tell me more of your grand ideas."

We both leaned in as we began to plan for me to confess to Songbird. While we were planning, Měi came skipping towards us. "Whatcha guys planning? " she asked as she leaned next to us in curiosity.

I shot a warning look. "Tàiyáng is going to confess to Míngqín." He spilled. I'm going to kill him.

"What?! Finally! Can I help?"

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