the morris situation

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November 16, 1987
Belle's POV

Before I've even opened my eyes to awaken, all of the memories of last night flow back into my thoughts. I haven't spoken to Michael since I told him to drop the subject. Michael and I hardly ever disagree, we're too alike. The feeling doesn't sit right with me.
I peel open my heavy eyes and am greeted by an intense golden beam of sunlight zooming directly towards my eyes. I quickly shut them again, my hands rubbing away the pain shooting to the back of my head.
I throw the silky beige covers off my body, and twist so I'm sat with my legs hanging off the edge of the bed. Carefully, I slide on the hotel's complementary slippers and stand up. As I walk away from the bed, both my hands carelessly tie my messy hair into a weak bun.
I think I hear a faint knock on the door, being slightly drowned out by Michael's cooking in the kitchen. Coming to think of it, what is Michael doing? We'd normally get room service or something of the sort. I decide to ignore the knock, presuming it was just Michael bashing around plates and pans.
But again. The knock. This time with much more force. I take the plush, white dressing gown from its hook on the back of the front door and tie it tightly around my waist before slowly pulling open the heavy door.
I am greeted by none other than Morris.
Suddenly, my jaw drops without meaning to. If Michael saw him he'd be so upset. Or mad. I'm not even sure at this point.
"Uh, what are you doing here?" I croak, before attempting to repeatedly swallow the nerves down my throat.
"I thought you might fancy a visit to Federation Square!" He says joyfully, when I notice a blush gift bag hanging off his arm. "You know? We were talking about it yesterday!"
I loose the power of words, when I poorly decide to just point at the bag in his possession. "What's..?" I mutter, closing the door slightly so the gap to view Morris shrinks.
"Oh! A gift! For you!" He sounds almost like he's singing his words he is so enthusiastic. His pearly white teeth shine in the artificial hotel lights and I return a weak, feeble smile. He hands me the bag with a look of excited anticipation in his eyes.
I just look at him with no facial expression, the bag hanging off my index finger.
"Aren't you gonna open, Bel?" He rushes.
"Uhhh..." I mutter, lost for words. All I can think about is, If Michael walked over right now... "Look, I appreciate this but I can't..."
"Can't what? Take a gift from a nice chap?" He rests his arms on the doorway, as I take a deliberate step back.
"What's this?" I hear from behind me, a higher, more soft voice, contrasting with Morris's almost cartoon-like one. Instantly, my face cringes with a wrinkled nose as I feel a wave of unnecessary guilt.
"Michael." I turn and put my arm around his waist, looking up at his gorgeous natural curls.
Michael takes the door with two fingers and swings it open to reveal Morris stood like a goof, with a smirk slapped across his face.
Michael looks down at me, with a hint of something in his eyes. Something I've never seen. Could it be jealousy? No. Fury? Maybe. Sadness? Probably. "How did I guess?" Michael rolls his eyes, hurt.
"Look, I think it's best you leave. Sorry, thank you for the gift though." I shrug in attempt to nicely get Morris to take the hint, which I'm surprised he's not yet taken by the uncomfortable couple stood in front of him in their pyjamas.
"He got you a gift?" Michael chuckles, but I can see he's not laughing out of humour. I look up at him awkwardly, my arm still clutching his slim, tall figure. "Let's see this, then." Michael begins to ravage through the white tissue paper, throwing it at Morris piece by piece. His pettiness makes me smirk.
"Oh, look! A little box, what could be in this?" He continues his sarcastic skit, entertaining both me and Morris slightly. "Aw. A little ring! With an ocean wave on it! How fucking adorable is that!" Michael shoots Morris a glare with wide eyes. "Oh wait... doesn't she have a ring?"
"Mike..." I mutter, feeling a hint of guilt towards Morris who did actually semi-innocently go out of his way to buy me a cute ring.
"Oh yes! Her engagement ring! How could I forget!" Michael rampages on.
"Michael, are you okay?" Morris furrows his brows at Michael, looking slightly surprised and taken aback due to Michael's usual shy state.
"Fabulous!" Michael splutters back. He drops the ring back into the bag and drops in on the ground, on Morris's side of the door. "We won't be needing that though, have a prime day!" Michael pulls me back and slams the door shut on Morris.
The loud bang is followed my a long silence, everyone stood in shock. Nothing but the sound of the microwaves humming fills the awkward air.
I hear Morris pick up the gift bag and walk away, his steps becoming quieter as he gets further down the long corridor.
How did he know our room number? Why did he think I'd leave Michael to visit Federation Square because we spoken about it once? Why did he get me a ring?
I look across to see Michael isn't there.
"MY BACONS BURNT!" I hear a screech from the kitchen. I quickly pace in to see a furious Michael, shooting a glare down at some black, shrivelled meat in the pan.
"That is quite burnt." I smirk, attempting to lighten the mood.
"You think? Now I'm gonna have to restart my whole bacon!" He flops hopelessly down into the white, shining chair in the kitchen, his face in his large hands. I know the bacon isn't really what's upset him, it was just the cherry on the cake. I see his curls fall across his sweet face as his white t-shirt creases from his hunched posture.
"Come here." I put out arms for a hug.
He looks up at me, and I notice a tear in his eye.
"Baby!" I rush over and wrap my arms tightly around his head, as he stays sat down, his head against my stomach. "It's not you're fault." I whisper while twisting his curls between my fingers as he clenches his fingers to my dressing gown.
"I'm so-sorry." He sobs into my stomach as I sit down on his lap. I cup his face in my hand as our eyes lock. I feel his sorrow and regret for getting angry.
"I love you more than anything." I stutter, meaning every word with a passion. I've never felt so in love with anyone before. I look into his warming eyes and see nothing but pure kindness, and that will never change.
He, instead of returning my words, forcefully pushes his lips, wet with tears, onto mine. That spoke for himself. I know how he feels as he is so passionate about everything he puts his heart into. And I'm lucky enough so say I am that thing. His hands hold the back of my head as I trace his jawline with my fingertips, back and forth.
From that moment on, the whole Morris Situation was dropped. We never spoke another word of it. We got Ben and Simon back, a couple of Michael's close friends who also happen to be a pair of chauffeurs, scrapped Morris's role and became closer than ever. My heart has never been so full of excitement and gratitude towards one human.

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