|| • Chapter 20 • ||

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|| • Chapter 20 • ||

I didn't get a chance to reply to the mysterious text because Bryn was calling me. Christa had left seconds after checking up on me so I was alone. I let it ring for a bit before answering it and putting it on speaker. I didn't say anything I wasn't going to say anything.

"Amelia." His voice floated from the phone. "You don't have to say anything just hear me out ok?" He says and I lean back against the wall. "Yes Kelsey was my girlfriend, was. I wasn't expecting her to come back. When I told Christa I broke up with her I did. She was in Sydney, Australia and I was here. I don't like long distance relationships. When I told her we were on a break in my mind it was breaking up with her gently." He explains and I have a hard time believing his words. "I really really like you Amelia." He says and I felt a lump in my throat.

It was silence on his end. I thought he had finished but he proved me wrong when he continued talking.

"I won't blame you for being mad at me. It was the stupidest thing to do. If you're willing to give me another chance to prove myself worthy i'll be at Johnson's theater at 8." With that he hung up.

The text showed up again and this time there was another text beneath it.

8 o'clock under the lamp post in the park. Come alone.

|| • || • || • || • || • || • ||

A quarter to 8 I was snuggled up to my dad in a blanket. My mom was on the other side of him and we were all watching The Smurfs Movie. My mind kept racing so I barely focused on the actual movie.

Should I go to the movies with Bryn? Or do I go to the park and meet with this mystery person, who I've come to realize is Luke? Or do I stay right here and relax with my family?

My phone vibrated in my lap and I looked at it. I glanced at the time and saw that it was five until 8.

Has it really been twenty minutes?

Hopefully you aren't still mad at me?

I sighed ignoring Bryn's text message. Of course I was still mad. He lied about having a girlfriend and that didn't settle well with me at all.

I actually felt quite sick to my stomach. Because of this I wrapped my arms around my fathers waist and pressed my face firmly into his chest. He stroked my hair with his hand and kissed the top of my head.

Sometime during this I had drifted off in his arms. I fell asleep to the steady rhythm of his heart beat and the soothing scent of vanilla that coated his clothes.

I wasn't a sleep for long, maybe half an hour, I was being shaken awake again.

Slowly I opened my eyes to a familiar face. He smiled weakly at me before helping me sit up.

"What are you doing here?" I wiped the sides of my mouth in hopes that I didn't drool.

"You didn't show." He muttered.

"Then you take that as I hint. I'm not interested." I stood up from the couch and I could see that my words hurt him.

"You can't mean that whole heartedly." He watches as I maneuver over to the tv.

I hesitated slightly before answering. "Well I do." I shut off the TV and turned around.

My breath hitched in my throat. He was so quiet when he moved. It was hard to tell if he was ever in the same spot. I wasn't expecting him to have moved closer.

"I don't believe you Amelia." He trailed his knuckle down my cheek causing my skin to burn.

"Well you should." I push his hand away and walk around him.

Socially Awkward(COMPLETED/REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now