What Now? Pt. 2 ~Linong~

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"What do you mean?" Xukun sits in the desk chair in the room.

"I messed up... Bad. Jiahua won't talk to me anymore, Haiya is the past now, and I messed up with Jiahua... What do I do?"

Xukun thinks a bit.

"What exactly happened?" Xukun asks to know more.

Linong tells everything. From the day of the ice cream parlor incident till now. Including what happened earlier that day.

"I lost her... Just like that," Linong sat up in his bed,"Jiahua... I feel so terrible for what I did. She was always by my side and now I ruined everything. She said that she even liked me. What do I do?"

Xukun sat still.

"If I were to be honest, I don't think I'd be the best canidate for this situation. I broke up with Yuci over it," Xukun sighs.

"You shouldn't have. She really didn't do it. I heard Haiya talking to your cheerleading fans about it at the party. Maybe we deserve to be single..." Linong states.

"Yeah, maybe we should. Yuci was right. Right about everything..."

"I know right. Yuci is too good to us," Linong agrees.

"We should get some sleep. We are going to have a terribly painful life in front of us," Xukun says as he gets up and leaves. 

The next few weeks, Linong choked himself in guilt and despair, bringing Xukun along with him. At the end of the week, Linong sat at the table complaining again.

"I feel like the dumbest person on the planet. Why am I such a stupid person? Kun-ge, want to help me with my homework?" Linong asks.

"You are some depressing idiots," Cheng Cheng states as he eats his food.

"Even Cheng Cheng thinks so,"Linong drops his head to the table.

Xukun ate his food as he watched Yuci sit at the table near the entrance.

"Ling Chao was smart to break up with Haiya when he knew about everything," Linong states, scrunching up his nose.

"So pathetic dude. Eat something," Justin pokes Linong.

"I am eating," Linong lifts his head," I'm eating my despair and guilt and it's tipped with blind stupidity," Linong responds.

"Why don't you try talking to Jiahua now?" Ziyi asks.

"She has thrown all of my efforts in the trash. She even threw the cupcake from culinary class," Linong responds.

"Yo! Listen to this guys!" Xing Xing runs up to the table with Jeffrey in hand.

"Li Junyi says he might ask Yuci to the party tonight. You know the big one where alumni come back at the Sigma Theta house!" Xing said in panic.

"Go ahead... She's single anyways," Xukun said laying his head on the table, moving his tray of food before hand, watching Gucci leave the cafeteria.

"But think about it, idiots! Ling Chao and Haiya dated, then Haiya didn't prank, they break up, Xukun and Yuci break up. Junyi is on the soccer team with Ling Chao, Co-captain. Junyi knew about it all, but he didn't even bother telling anyone not even you Xukun and you two are childhood friends. Coincidence?" Xing suggest.

"So you're saying that Junyi set Ling Chao up with Haiya to break up Kun-ge and Yuci-jie, so he could date her?" Justin asks.

Xing snapped her fingers and pointed.


"Xing, love, I don't think you should've said it like that. Its only a theory," Jeffrey sets straight.

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