Just for Fun Pt. 4

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Len: Umma!

[NaNi walked over in fury, grabbing Jinhyung and Jesse by the ear, pulling them outside in the dorm garden.]

Me: You two need to grow up! You guys are what? 19? And you guys are fighting!

Jesse: Don't tell me you're siding with thus dick!

Jinhyung: Don't think that I would actually apologize either.

Me: Both of you just shut up! Jesse, you're a dumb ass for fighting and I don't care what he said! You're the oldest, you're suppose to be reasonable! And you, Jinhyung *points* you're right about it not being your fault for making me fall, but you just don't know when to stop, and when will you understand, She will never EVER like you back the same! I don't have feelings for you anymore. You're just a dumb as for thinking that I still do and then saying all that shit about me? That's some really Smart thinking.

Jinhyung: I-

Me: I don't want to hear it, remember? I'm from an unmoral family. I don't want to talk to either one of you anymore. *walks inside*

Jesse: Fuck!

Jinhyung: damn it!

[NaNi walked inside. Tears streaming down her face. Two people fought all because of her.]

Me: I'm sorry of behalf of them. *bows* They are just immature. Please go back to do whatever you all were doing.

[And Up10tion and them left to their dorm again.]

Faith: Umma, what did you do?

Me: I'm not talking to them. Not until they learn.

Len: what about your brother.

Me: He too. I don't care anymore. Until they grow up, I will not even want to associate with them, therefore I'm out on suspension from the group.

Derian: WHAT?!

Han Xian: Yah!

Yeonmyung: Let's be reasonable here-

Me: I'm done with that. I'm sick and tired of not doing anything acting like I'm weak.

Len: but we need you

Faith: yeah, you can't leave us!

Me: you guy can do fine. Or you guys can go blame those guys. *points outside* but I'm so done. I don't have time to deal with petty fights... I don't need that. I'm tired. Girls imma head to the dorm. *walks off*

Len: Fucking DA!

Faith: ugh.

Yeonmyung: what do we do now? We just lost our leader.

Han Xian: This is going to be an interesting month.

Derian: I swear those two are idiots! Up10tion, seventeen, and Astro must've had an interesting first day.

Soul: We should all head to bed. We have to see how serious this will get tomorrow.

[They all left to their designated dorms. Jesse and Jinyoung just stood in front of one another, not even daring to even look at one another.]

Jesse: What are we going to do now? You and your punk ass just messed up I.G.

Jinhyung: I admit, that's my fault. But I'm done taking crap from you all and Subin.

Jesse: WE were keeping you in check. That's what family does. We keep each other balanced.

Jinhyung: It just takes one thing to blow it all off... I admit it. Its my fault.

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