New Member ~Lex (Bigflo)~

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After The Uni+, many of the underrated groups gained popularity. Today, Bigflo was on Weekly Idol.

"Update the Profile!"

"You guys debuted in 2014 so your profiles need some changed right?" Donnie asked.


Going through their profile, many things were shown. Unseen talents, updated, and confirmed talents. Euijin showed of his talents,  Sungmin played the violin, some showed language skills, and variety skills to laugh for. Then it got to Lex.

"Lex~ You are from Canada? So you speak english?"


"Where you from?" Donnie asked in poor English.

"Toronto, Canada." Lex answered.

"Toronto!!!" Connie and Donnie overly expressed.

Lex laughed embarrassed and the group laughed in amusement.

"Main vocal," Donnie read the paper.

"Oh! It has an ideal type!" Connie pointed out.

"A younger, healthy looking, and down-to-Earth girl."

"Has it changed? Who is your ideal type?" Connie asked.

"What girl group are you interested in?" Donnie added.

"I don't have one?"

"Eh! Don't lie!"

"Lex watches a lot of JADE. He listens to their songs a lot," Euijin exposes.

"Hyung..." Lex tries hide his embarrassment.

"Who? JADE? They are getting popular these days!"

Donnie and Connie starts singing songs by JADE. Lex shrinked in his seat.

"Which member do you like?"

"They are all nice. I listen to them because we met them at the other day for a broadcast."

His members made noises in disbelief.

"Eyy it's okay to like them," Connie assured him.

"Who do you want to be friends with?" Donnie asks.

"Hyung might like Rue. When we met them they were speaking a lot in English," Hightop answered.

"Rue?!"Euijin reacted.

"Donnie has her number," Connie replies slyly.

"We just spoke to one another," Lex tries to explain.

"How young are you willing to go?"

"Uhh 5 or 6 years? Maybe?"

"1993. Rue is a '98. she fits perfectly!" Donnie replies.

Lex blushes in embarrassment.

"He likes her!" Sungmin and Euijin points.

"Let's give her a call and see if she answers!"

Being given the phone, it rings.

"She might not pick up-"

"Yebosayo?" Rue answers interrupting Euijin.


"Nae, sunbae."

"Introduce yourself. We are filming Weekly Idol with Bigflo."

"Oh! Hello! Naneun Rue-inmida. I am the main dancer and lead vocal in JADE! Its nice to meet you all again!"

Bigflo greets her in reply.

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