Hiding Something?

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Savannah's POV:
It has been a month since Scotty gave me a promise ring and I haven't taken it off since! So Scotty went out with the guys from the band to a local music shop to look around. I am here on the bus by myself and I am about to do something I'd never thought I'd do right now. I haven't had my period in 3 weeks. It was due 3 weeks ago..  so, I picked up a pregnancy test at a drugstore just across the street and about to see what it says. I surely can't be pregnant because we use protection and I'm on the pill.
*10 mins later*
I finished the test and it reads..... Positive! How am I going to tell Scotty? I'm actually scared.. okay, so I just wont tell him right now. I hear Scotty walk in on the bus and I quickly do away with the pregnancy test. "Babe?" I hear Scotty say. "I'M IN THE BATHROOM! I'LL BE OUT IN A MINUTE!" I yell. A few minutes pass and I flush the toilet and walk out of the bathroom. "Hey, how was the music shop trip?" I say walking towards Scotty. He holds his hand out and says, "It was good but, I missed you." I grab his hand and say, "I missed you too :)" I give him a quick kiss and then go sit on the couch. I scroll through social media on my phone and Scotty does the same.

Scotty's POV:
As I'm scrolling on my phone, savannah pulls my hand away from my phone and I look at her. "Can I help you?" I say smiling. "Actually, yes, I want cuddles" she says snuggling into me. I put my phone down and wrap my arms around her. I kiss her forehead and start rubbing her back. "I love you" I hear Savannah say. "I love you too" I say smiling. After a while of sitting there just talking, I get up and go to the bathroom. When I walk in, I see something pink and white in the garbage. I didn't pay it any attention until I started to go out and saw a pregnancy test in the trash. I get it out and look at it. "Positive." I say to myself. I run out of the bathroom and say, "Savannah! Come here!" Savannah gets up off the couch and comes to the kitchen where I am and sees the test. She starts to tear up. "I-I- I'm sorry Scotty.... I understand if you don't wanna be with me because I got pregnant." I pick her up and kiss her. "Babe, this is amazing! You're going to be a mom and I'm going to be a daddy!" She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck. "Thank goodness you're not mad!" She says. I pull away and say, "why would you think I'd be mad?" She looks at me and says, "because you really didn't want kids right now.." I grab her hand and say, "Savannah, it isn't about when I want kids or you want kids, all that matters now is, this baby is healthy, your healthy, and we raise it the best to our ability." She smiles and says, "you're right." I smile and then kiss her gently.

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