What about your Job?

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Savannah's POV:

I wake up at about 9:22 AM and I am wrapped up in the covers. I look to see Scotty isn't in the bed. "Scotty?" I say.  I don't get an answer. I sit up and pick my phone up off the night stand. I start to text Scotty when he walks in the door.
Scotty: good morning baby
Savannah: Morning.
Scotty: Are you okay?
Savannah: yea, why?
Scotty: I don't know you're acting funny to me..
Savannah: no, I'm fine.
*phone rings*
Savannah: hello?
Person: hi is this Savannah Brown?
Savannah: yes, this is her...
Person: hi! This is Maria from Ulta Cosmetics.
Savannah: oh, hi, is something wrong?
Person: well, I am calling on behalf of you missing almost 4 weeks of work.
Savannah: Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!
Person: I'm sorry as well but, we're going to have to fire you...
Savannah: oh.. well I understand *tears forming in her eyes*
Person: I am very sorry Ms. Savannah.
Savannah: it's fine, I completely understand.
person: okay, thanks have a great day!
Savannah: you too..
*hangs up*
Scotty: babe, what's wrong?
Savannah: I just lost my dream job....
Scotty: are you for real?!?!
Savannah: yea..
Scotty: I'm so sorry, it's all my fault.
Savannah: No, it's not... I knew better than to stay on tour with you...
Scotty: I feel so bad. I'm so sorry Savannah.
Savannah: don't be, I've had an amazing time with you. *hugs Scotty*
Scotty: I've had an amazing time with you too. *hugs back*
Savannah: *lays back and pulls Scotty with her* I love you so much, thank you for everything *kisses him*
Scotty: I love you more. *kisses back*
I may have just lost my job but, it doesn't matter as long as I have Scotty I'll be perfectly fine.

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