Old Roots

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Scotty's POV:
Yesterday I had a concert in PCB and it was amazing! While I had a concert, Savannah went to hang out with her friends. In the process she stopped and got a strawberry Margarita, which lead to more than one. She wasn't completely drunk but, she was a little buzzed. Today we are going to Garner, NC to visit family and have a few days off. We should be in North Carolina in about 4 or 5 hours. Until then, we decided to just relax. I'm scrolling through twitter when Savannah wakes up.
Savannah: morning :)
Scotty: good morning beautiful, did you sleep good?
Savannah: I did, how about you?
Scotty: slept like a baby.
Savannah: haha, so what's on our agenda today?
Scotty: To snuggle until we get to North Carolina *pulls Savannah closer*
Savannah: sounds fun! What are we doing in North Carolina? *snuggles close to scotty*
Scotty: well, visiting family and then having a few days to ourselves.
Savannah: sounds perfect! This will be my first time meeting your parents isn't it?
Scotty: yea, but it'll be fine, they'll love you, I promise.
Savannah: You don't think they'll wonder why I haven't met them sooner?
Scotty: Nah, they know I've been really busy lately.
Savannah: okay. *kisses cheek*
Scotty: I love ya baby. *kisses cheek*
Savannah: I love you too. *leans over scotty to get phone off of night stand*
Scotty: what are you doing?
Savannah: getting my phone.
Scotty: oh okay. *kisses Savannah*
Savannah: I love you. *kisses back*
Savannah's POV:
When I went to get my phone from the night stand, Scotty kissed me and when I kissed back, I honestly didn't want to stop kissing him. I moved back over to my side and then finally leaned back over and connected my lips with his. We  were making out until my phone rings.
Savannah: Hello?
Layla: hey are you busy?
Savannah: sort of.. but what do you need?
Layla: I just wanted to tell you that... *sniffle* Callie had a wreck going home from dropping me off a few minutes ago..
Savannah: Omg! No!! Is she okay?!?!
Layla: I don't know, I called 911 and they just got here *sobs*
Savannah: *starts to cry* so yall are in Charlotte, NC?
Layla: yea.. *sobs* listen, I gotta go and make sure Callie is okay.. *cries more*
Savannah: okay Layla! Let me know how she is! *cries*
Layla: I will, love you! *sniffle*
Savannah: love you too *sniffles*
When I got off of the phone with Layla, I couldn't stop crying to tell Scotty what was wrong. I finally curled up next to him and cried. "Babe, what's wrong?" Scotty asks. "Its.. Callie... she was in a.... wreck..." I say in between sobs. Scotty sits up and pulls me into his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and lay on his shoulder crying. "She's gonna be okay baby" scotty says. "But what if she isnt?!?" I reply. "You just have to have faith and believe she'll be okay." Scotty says. I get a text from Callie that reads,
Callie ✌💕
C: hey boo, I just wanted to let you know I'm okay as of right now. My wrist is broken and my ankle is sprained but, I should be okay, don't worry.
S: Omg! I'm so glad!! I'm so sorry you was in a wreck! As soon as I am in Charlotte, NC I'm coming to see you.
C: okay! I love you!
S: I love you too Cals
I read scotty the texts and he reassured me everything is going to be okay, just like Callie had said.
Scotty's POV:
After Savannah calmed down, we fell asleep for about 2 and a 1/2 hours. When we woke up, we was in Garner, NC. We got up, showered, and went to pick my truck up. We finally get my truck and we climb in and head for Mama and Daddy's. On the way there the radio station was doing throw back songs and my song "See You tonight" came on. I grab Savannah's hand and we both start singing to the radio as loud as we can. We finally get to mama and daddy's and Mama comes running out the front door. "
J: Scotty! It's so good to see my baby boy! *hugs scotty tightly*
M: good to see ya son! *hugs Scotty and shakes his hand*
S: Mama, daddy, this is Savannah my girlfriend, savannah this is Judy and Mike my parents.
SB: hi! Nice to meet you guys! *shakes their hands*
J: Hi! Scotty has told me about you during some of our phone calls!
SB: Aww! I hope they were good things *nudges Scotty*
J: oh trust me, they were!
M: nice to meet the girl that makes my boy so happy!
SB: Aww thank you!
J: come on, let's all go inside and grab something to eat!
Savannah's POV:
We follow Mrs. Judy in the house and I ask if she needs help with anything in the kitchen. She tells me and Scotty to set the table and so we did. "Mike, will you bless the food?" Mrs. Judy asks Mr. Mike. "Sure will, everyone bow your heads please" says Mr. Mike. We bow our heads and Mr. Mike says the blessing. After the blessing we all dig in. Mrs. Judy cooked rice, chicken, peas, and gravy. She also made some sweet tea. After we all finished eating, I helped wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. As I was drying the last dish, Scotty walks up next to me and leans against the sink with his hands in his pockets. "Hey cutie" I say to Scotty. He smiles and replies with "hey beautiful" I giggle and stand on my tip toes and kiss his cheek. "I love you" Scotty says kissing me. "I love you too" I reply and kiss him back. We walk into the living room and visit with his mom and dad for a couple of hours.
Scotty's POV:
After about three hours of visiting with my family, looking at old albums, and telling about old memories, Savannah and me decided to go to Lake Benson for a little while. I tell mom and dad that we'll be back later since we're staying with them, and they made sure I still had my house key. We got in the truck and headed for Lake Benson. On the way there we talked about childhood memories, the embarrassing stuff, the bad stuff, and anything related to being a kid. We finally got to the Lake and Savannah was standing on the dock admiring the sunset. I seen her phone in her back pocket, so I slipped my hand in her pocket and got her phone. I took a picture of the sunset and set her phone down. I picked her up bridal style and started walking to the end of the dock. "Scotty, don't! It's gonna be freezing!" Savannah yells. "Don't do what?" I reply laughing. "Don't throw me!!" She says tightening her grip on me. I smile and peel her off and drop her into the water. She comes up and says, "Okay McCreery, I'm the only one swimming tonight!" I give her a confused look. "Help me out please!" She says holding her hand out. I grab her hand and she pulls me in. When I come up I could her laughing like crazy. She swims over to me and gets on my back. Since we was close to shallow water, I swam closer to the shallow part so we wouldn't sink. She gets off my back and swims to where she is facing me. I pull her towards me and kiss her. I wrap my arms around her and start backing up. We keep making out and I finally stand up with her in my arms. She pulls away and asks, "what are you doing?" I laugh and say, "this." I kiss her and fall backwards into the water. We come up and swam back to the dock. We got out and dried off with some old towels that were in the back of my truck. We finally decided to head back to mama and daddy's since it was getting late. We was going down the road when my phone vibrated. "hey Savannah, will you see who texted me?" She gets my phone and unlocks it (yes she knows my password) she reads the text and says, "it's.. Gabi..." she locks my phone and asks, "what is she doing texting you?" I shrug and say, "I don't know what did the text say?" She unlocks my phone again and reads the text. TEXT:
G: Hey Scotty! I heard you was back in Garner this weekend! Up to go to Lake Benson Sunday? Hope to hear from ya!
"Savannah, you can go through all of my messages and see I haven't replied to her once, why can't you trust me? I haven't ever cheated on you." I say. Savannah looks at me and says, "Scotty, promise me that you'll never cheat on me." I look at Savannah and say, "babe, you don't have to worry about that! I promise I'll never cheat on you! I love you!" She leans over and kisses me and says, "thank you and I love you more" we finally make it back to mama's and daddy's and go in to shower. We go to my old room and climb in my bed and soon fall asleep.

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