Meeting Lauren Alaina

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Savannah's POV:
Last night Scotty had his show in New York and tonight is round 2! He is suppose to be performing with Lauren Alaina tonight so, we are meeting up with her for lunch. Scotty is still sleeping and I have been up for about an hour. I got up and watched TV for a little while and then decide to go wake Scotty up. I walk to the bedroom and walk over to his side. I pull the covers back and Scoot myself in. I lift Scotty's hand and lace my fingers with his. I turn on my side and run my fingers around his face. He moves my hand and I giggle. I do it again and he moves my hand again. I then decide to climb on top of him. I lean down and kiss his cheek and make my way to his lips. He kisses back and then wakes up. "Morning cutie" I say. "Morning beautiful" he says. I move off of him and he pulls me closer to him. I kiss him and then tell him it's time to get up. He agrees and we get up. We grab a bowl of cereal and take showers.
Scotty's POV:
After taking showers it was time to go meet Lauren for lunch. Since it was just down the street from us, we decided to walk. Savannah and I walk out of the bus and I grab her hand and start walking towards the restaurant. We get there and Lauren comes over to us.
L: Hi!!*hugs scotty and Savannah*
SM: Hey Lauren!
S: hi! :)
L: So scotty, who's this pretty girl?
SM: this is Savannah, my girlfriend :)
L: aww! I'm so happy for you two! Savannah you have a sweet boyfriend :)
S: aww thank you!
SM: So Lauren, where's Alex?
L: Oh, his coming, it's going to be a little bit, he had business to take care of first.
SM: Oh okay! So, how's life been?
L: Great! I mean after Idol it was all up hill after that. It's been an amazing experience.
SM: Your telling me, I would relive Idol all over again.
L: same here :)
S: So Lauren, when is your new song coming out?
L: oh, it should be released in about 3 weeks!!
SM: oh! What's the title?
L: scotty, you know I can't release nothing until the song is released *laughing*
S: Nice try though Scotty *laughs*
L: So, Savannah, where are you from?
S: Charlotte, NC :)
L: Oh okay! So, how exactly did you two meet??
SM: Twitter..
L: well yea, you done said that but, how did you two physically meet?
S: well, I had posted that I was going to his concert that Saturday and he ended up replying and following me. Then he started dming me on Instagram, he gave me his number and we texted that night. He got bored so, he asked for my address and he drove two hours to meet me..
L: Awww that's so sweet.
SM: I wouldn't trade anything for this beautiful girl.
L: Yea.. umm Scotty does she know about Gabi back home in Garner?
S: No... he hasn't told me *looks at Scotty funny*
SM: Lauren...
S: No, I want to hear about Gabi.
SM: I dated her in high school.. and I was going to propose to her..
S: oh.... umm I'll meet you back at the bus, nice meeting you Lauren
SM: Babe, wait! *grabs arm*
S: Scotty, I said I'll meet you at the bus... *snatches arm back*
SM: Lauren, why did you bring that up???
L: Well, I didn't know if she knew or not, I'm sorry.
SM: still, you don't say stuff like that, are you sure you don't still have feelings for me?
L: scotty, I love Alex... listen I gotta go, I'll see you at rehearsals...
SM: *sigh*
Savannah's POV:
Lunch turned into a small heart break. I heard about a girl named Gabi that apparently Scotty had dated before me. He acted like he didn't want me to hear about her. That's what hurt. The things that went through my mind had me upset big time. I go to the bus and go in the bathroom to clean my face a little from crying. I go and lay down in my bunk. I hear the door of the bus open and knew it was Scotty. "Savannah?" He says. I ignore him. He walks in where the bunks are and sees me. CONVERSATION BETWEEN SCOTTY AND SAVANNAH:
Scotty: Savannah?
Savannah: go away...
Scotty: babe...
Savannah: go find Gabi...
Scotty: Savannah, I said I dated her in high school that's it.
Savannah: but you almost proposed to her!
Scotty: *sigh* Savannah, the point is I don't love her, I love you.
Savannah: Scotty, just go and let me be. Okay? I'm going to be leaving as soon as we get back to an airport.
Scotty: Savannah...
Savannah: No! I'm serious, I'm not going to live my life worrying if your out there with another girl!
Scotty: Savannah, please.
Savannah: Scotty, please, just leave me alone.
Scotty: fine, I'll be at rehearsals. Are you still coming to the show?
Savannah: I don't know..
Scotty: Okay, if you need me text me.
Savannah: whatever.
Scotty's POV:
I am upset that Savannah might be leaving. I have to pull through for the show. I go to rehearsals and rehearse "American honey" with Lauren and then go to get ready.
*4 hours later*
"THANK YOU NEW YORK!!!" I say into the mic. I exit the stage and head for the bus in hopes of Savannah forgiving me.

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