Last day in Garner

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Scotty's POV: 

***Music playing from phone***

I wake up to my phone's alarm going off. I roll over and turn it off and see Savannah isn't beside me. I get up and go downstairs. I see Savannah in the kitchen helping my mom make breakfast. I sit down at the counter and watch for a minute. Mama turns around and says, "Morning Scotty!" I wave and put my head down. "What's wrong?" Mama asks. "Nothing, I just woke up..." I say laughing a little. Savannah turns around and says, "Morning sleepy head!" I smile and say, "Where did you go this morning?" She looks at me and replies with, "To come help Mrs. Judy cook some breakfast." I nod and get up to get some tea. I reach over Savannah's head to get a glass. When I went to set the glass down, Savannah looks up at me with her lips puckered. I kiss her and she gives me a hug and goes back to cooking. "So, exactly what are we doing today?" Savannah asks. Mama walks in when Savannah asked this and Mama answers her question with, "I thought I'd call Ashley and Scotty call some of his old friends and we all go to Lake Benson for a cook out this afternoon." I look at Savannah and say, "Looks like your meeting my sister today then!" Mama sets the table and Savannah says, "I can't wait! :)" We finally all come to the dining room and sit down at the table. I say grace and we start to eat our breakfast which was, eggs, grits, toast, and bacon. As soon as we finish Savannah and me help clean the kitchen. After we finish helping, we head back to my room to get dressed. Savannah gets her clothes and shower things and heads to the bathroom to shower. I decide to make sure the room is straightened up and I wait for Savannah to come out of the bathroom so I can go take a shower. Savannah comes out of the bathroom wearing a bluis-greenish crop top, blue jean shorts cut off, black flip flops, and her hair is in a ponytail. "You look great babe." I say when she walks in the room. "Thanks" she says smiling. "Hey Scotty can I ask you something?" Savannah says sitting on the bed. "Yea...." I say sitting next to her. "What would you say if I want to get my belly button pierced?" she says laughing a little. I look at her and say, "Well, its your body, I mean you can do what you want...." She looks at me and replies, "Welllll.... I didn't want to show you this but, it was a close call the other day when we almost... ya know... but.... I'll be right back.." She gets up and walks to her bag and gets something out of a box from the side. She walks back to the bathroom and a few minutes later she comes back and says, "Tada!" I look at her and then I see why she said tada... She had a diamond belly button ring in her belly button. "Oh... wow... when did you get that done?" I say. "I got it when I first turned 18" I nod my head and then say, "Well.... I'm going to go get a shower... And by the way, I do like your belly button ring........" She laughs and then starts packing a bag for the lake later. 

Savannah's POV:
Scotty went and got a shower and I just told him about my belly button ring. The last boyfriend I told about it, it didn't go too well.. He broke up with me the next day..... It's like Scotty said, it's MY body! I grab the suntan lotion, my swimsuit, towels, and everything else we need for the lake and put it into my old beach bag. Scotty finally gets out of the shower and comes to take the bag to the truck. I go downstairs to help Mrs. Judy and Mr. Mike get stuff for the picnic ready. I put everything in ziploc bags and put them in the picnic basket for them. Mr. Mike grabs the picnic basket and takes it to his truck. I go over to Scotty's truck and climb in the passenger side and wait for Scotty to get the lawn chairs. "Hey Savannah, can you text Kyle, Collin, Jake, Jordan, Micky, Danielle, Katie, Ashley, Claire, and Trent and let them know to be at the lake by 4?" Scotty says getting the drivers seat. I nod and say, "Yea." he hands me his phone and I type the text.

Collin, Kyle, Jordan, Danielle, Micky, Katie, Claire, Trent, Ashley, Jake

S: Hey everyone! Party at Lake Benson, be there at 4 Pm! 

C: See ya there brother!

K: I'm in!

J: See ya there Scotty!

D: See ya, do we need to bring anything?

M: See ya'll at 4!

K: See ya guys laterrr! 

C: Alrighty, i'll be theree!

T: Ashley and I will be there!

J: See ya! 

S: You guys don't have to bring anything but lawn chairs! 

We finally get to Lake Benson and set everything up. Scotty brought some speakers so we could have some music. I help him hook them up and we go change into our swimsuits. About an hour later, everyone starts driving up. "Hey Savannah, Ashley just got here, come on lets go let you meet her!" Scotty says taking my hand. I follow him over to his sister and he introduces us.

SM: Hey Ashley!

A: Hey, who's this?

SM: Well, Ashley this is Savannah my girlfriend, Savannah this is Ashley my sister.

A: Hi! Nice to meet you!

S: Hi! Nice to meet you as well!

A: So where are you from?

S: Charlotte, NC! 

A: Oh okay, so not too far from here huh?

S: Nope, not at all!

A: So Scotty, how'd did you find her?

SM: Haha... well... I kind of done a little online dating...

A: Really?

SM: Well, I just seen her post on twitter about her coming to my concert and it went from there. 

A: Aww, how sweet!

SM: Yep...

A: Come on, I'm hot, lets go for a swim!

I follow Scotty and Ashley to the lake and we get in. After a few minutes swimming, everyone gets out to eat. We all eat a hot dog or hamburger and sit around talking. This has been the best last day in Garner! 

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