Next City....

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Scotty's POV:
"Savannah..... Wake up babe we're here" I say to Savannah as the bus pulls to a stop in Nashville, TN. "Where are we?" she says sitting up. "Nashville" I reply. "Really?" she says. "Yea, it's like 11:30 pm , I figured we could get something to eat and go back to sleep?" I say. "Sounds great, I'm starving." We get out of bed and go into the kitchen. I look in the cabinets and find some Hamburger Helper and  some Pasta. "Which one?" I say holding the two boxes up. "PASTA!" Savannah says excitedly. "Pasta it is!" I say. I start preparing it and finally let it cook. 


Scotty: I think tomorrow we can go exploring if you want?

Savannah: Sounds like a plan! 

Scotty: How are you liking bus life so far?

Savannah: It's interesting....

Scotty: Just wait... *laughing*

Savannah: What's that supposed to mean? 

Scotty: I get woke up some mornings at 5 AM for interviews and when I wake up, you're getting up too *laughing*

Savannah: That's not fair! *Slaps his arm lightly*

Scotty: It is fair!

Savannah: Not uh! 

Scotty: Yes huh! 

Savannah: I'm going to get the plates ready

Scotty: Okay.


I go and look in the cabinets and get two plates, two glasses, and two forks out. I set everything on the counter and pour tea in each glass. Scotty comes and sits down at the table, we say the blessing and start to eat. I take a bite of the pasta. "This is so good!" I say. "Thank you!" Scotty replies. I finish eating and get up from the table with my plate and glass. I put the dishes in the sink and Scotty does the same. He starts to walk back to the room and I jump on his back. "Whoa!" he says. I laugh and get a good grip on his shoulders. "Now, whatever you do, don't throw me on the bed *laughing* Scotty lets me down on the bed gently and I get situated. He gets in beside me and I am freezing. "Why are you so cold all the time?" Scotty says. "I have no idea" I say scooting closer to him. He wraps his arms around me and I instantly get warm. I look up and kiss him. "Love you" I say "Nope, love you more baby!" he says. I smile and then fall asleep. 

Scotty's POV: 

I wake up to Savannah kissing my cheek. "What are you doing?" I ask her. "Nothingggg" She replies. She continues to do this until I move my head and our lips meet. We pulled away and she says, "I done it cause I know it aggravated you *laughing*" I laugh and say "It don't aggravate me." She looks at me funny and I sit up and when I done that she lost her balance and fell back. I kept kissing her cheek until she turned her head like I did. "Smooth move McCreery" she says. I kiss her and then decide to get up. She pulls my arm "You're not going anywhere" she says. "If you want to explore today I do" I reply. "Oh yea! Okay, I am going to get a shower while you get breakfast ready!" She says. "Okay." I say kissing her. "Love you" I say. "I love you too" she replies. 

Savannah's POV: 
I go get a shower, wash my hair, and shave. When I get out I blow dry my hair and put on some make-up. I finally walk out the bathroom and squeeze by Scotty in the kitchen and sit down at the table. Once he finishes cooking bacon, he puts eggs, bacon, and grits on two plates and hands me one. He sits down and we say the blessing and eat. Once we're done eating, he gets ready and we head out for exploring. We go to the Country Music Hall of Fame, the bluebird cafe, and FGL house. During these stops, I had to wait on Scotty to take pictures with fans. Finally after leaving the FGL house we head back to the bus until the show tonight. Once we get inside the bus Scotty kisses me "I've been waiting to do that all day long" he says pulling away. I smile and say, "Me too". 

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