Girls Day Out

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Savannah's POV:
It is currently 10 AM and Scotty and I have been up for about two hours now. We are sitting on the couch watching tv when I get a text.
           Callie ✌💕
C: Hey boo! I hope you're having a lot of fun with Scotty but, I'm missing you like crazy girl! Allison, Ashley, Layla, and me are going to be in Panama City Beach  this afternoon when yall get here for the concert so, can ya come hang out with us? Love ya bunches 😘

S: Omg! YESSS we can go to the beach while bae is performing!

C: Awesome! What time does Scotty go on?

S: idk, hang on lemme ask him!

C: k

Savannah: Hey babe?
Scotty: yea?
Savannah: what time do you go on stage in Panama City?
Scotty: I think 4 pm why?
Savannah: welllllll.... Callie, Allison, Ashley, and Layla is all going to be there for the concert and wants me to come hang out with them while you perform.
Scotty: okay, but, your mine after they leave. *kisses cheek*
Savannah: *blushes* Okay deal *kisses*

                   TEXT MESSAGES:
S: hey, he don't go on until 4 pm!
C: good! Your ours for the afternoon then!
S: Okay see yall then!
C: okay boo! Loves ya!
S: loves ya too Cal!
We are an hour away from Panama City Beach and I'm currently packing up my beach needs. Scotty comes up behind me and lifts me up and sits me on the bed.
Savannah: Babe! I'm trying to pack!
Scotty: *kisses* I know..
Savannah: *kisses back* then let me finish please?
Scotty: I guess *kisses cheek*
Savannah: thank you babe *kisses*
I finally finish packing and we just arrived in PCB. I put my shades on and call Callie. She tells me where they are all at on the beach and I go to tell Scotty bye. Scotty decides to walk me to the beach and then go to rehearsals. We walk out of the bus hand in hand. We finally reach the beach and I hug and kiss Scotty bye.
C= callie A= Allis on a= ashley s= Savannah
C: Savannah!!! You're here!!! *hugs*
S: hiiii Callie! I've missed you so much! *hugs back*
A: Savannah! Heyyy!! *hugs*
S: hey Allison!! I've missed you! *hugs back*
a: you better give me a hug girl!
S: how could I forget you Ash! *hugs*
C: So, how's life been?
S: it's been wonderful.
a: well duh it's been wonderful, you're dating Scotty McCreery.
S: haha, yea, his great, he is so sweet to me.
C: I'm glad you finally found someone, you deserved someone.
S: yea, so yall wanna go grab us margaritas and go wait for the concert to start?
Everyone: yea!!
Scotty's POV:
This morning Savannah decided to go hang out with friends and watch me perform this afternoon. As I am rehearsing I see Savannah and her friends walking up, all carrying margaritas. Oh boy.. "Hey Babe!" Says Savannah. "Hey baby." I reply bending down on the stage kissing her. I lick my lips and say, "I'm guessing a Strawberry Margarita?" She looks at me and smiles replying with "yep! :)" I smile and talk with them for a while until it's time for my concert.
Savannah's POV:
Scotty just finished his concert and to be honest, I've a little too much to drink. "Hey Savannah, I think we're going to head back to our hotel for the night!" Callie says. "Okay, I had an awesome time with you all!"I say *hugs the girls* After the girls leave I go to find Scotty backstage.
Savannah: Scotty?
Scotty: "In here babe!"
Savannah: *opens dressing room door* hey baby!
Scotty: hey, did you have fun with your friends?
Savannah: I did but I missed you. *wraps arms around scotty's waist*
Scotty: I missed you too ;) *kisses*
Savannah: I love you :) *kisses back*
Scotty: want to head back to the bus?
Savannah: Yea :)
Scotty and I walked hand in hand back to the bus and decided to watch Netflix. Scotty and me layed on the couch together and soon he was sound asleep. I turned over just a little to see his face. He was so cute sleeping. I gently kissed his lips and he returned one to mine. We finally decided to go to bed so we could be more comfortable. Once we got in the bed, I wrapped my arms around Scotty and fell asleep.

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