Chapter 32 (Part 2)

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"Theres never a right time to say goodbye" Say Goodbye X Chris Brown

Serenity in the mm

Serenity POV

I was in disbelief as I looked at Chres who was now laying on the ground in front of me, I waited for him to get up and smile to say that he was just joking like I always did but I saw the circle of blood on his shirt start to grow.

Peanut walked over and kicked him in the stomach "This is what happens when you fall in love" he said kicking him again "You think I didn't see that you were trying to play me" he asked.

"Stop it" I yelled pulling Chres closer to me, I looked at the veins poking out of the sides of Peanuts face.

"Shut up" Peanut yelled pushing me on the floor, I flinched and pushed myself away when I felt a warm liquid touch my arm.

Peanut looked back and forth between Clarence and Chres "Yall think this is bad, my first love left me with Bre and ain't ever look back and yall think this is bad" he asked and shook his head.

For the first time in a long time, Clarence finally lifted his head "So that's what this is all about, because Bre's mom left your crazy ass, you killed 3 people, one more on his way out cause that bitch left yo crazy ass" he asked his brother.

Peanut looked around, he saw the puddles of blood, the two dead bodies on the floor and began to chew on his lip.

"You are correct, this is all because of her. Now I'm going to get the bodies out of here and then me and Serenity are leaving" he said before grabbing Marcus by the ankles and dragging him closer to me.

He looked at me and laughed "And I already know yo ass ain't going to do nothing so sit here and wait for me baby girl" he said and untied my arms before completely leaving the room.

My eyesight was blurry and I didn't know what to do "Clarence" we hard Chres's raspy voice say and I dropped down next to him and layed his head in my lap "Shh don't talk" I told him.

I was honestly pissed with him, and as much as I hated him for betraying me I knew that he still loved me somewhere on the inside or he wouldn't have taken that bullet for me.

"Hush" he said grabbing my hand and placing it to his lips for a second "The last time with Jas, I didn't hurt her bro, she told me about Peanut and I was here to get yall out but he went crazy and shot her" he said and tears came to his eyes.

"Wait, what" Clarence asked, he was fully alert now.

I stroked Chres's head as I listened "I didn't hurt Jas, I didn't know he was going to kill her. She came to me the night before she was kidnapped and told me everything, I came to the warehouse that night to sneak yall out be Peanut caught me. Said he would kill me and my mom if I snitched" he repeated.

Tears started to fall down his face "Just like you Ren, Peanut been plotting this for a long time he said I had to help him and that made things easier for me. Keys are in my pocket, car is in the back of the warehouse, I hoped that we could run together but I need you to go before he comes back" he whispered.

I slid my hand into his pocket and there was a set of car keys, tears ran uncontrollably down my face "No Chres, you set me up" I cried out, I knew I was wrong but it was harder to believe that this man loved me and I was supposed to leave him here to die.

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