Chapter 4

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Bre'Anna in the mm

"Came into this world, Daddy's Little Girl. Daddy made a soldier out of me" 

Beyonce x Daddy Lessons 

Serenity was sitting at her desk filling paperwork when the door swung open to reveal a screaming, crying Bre'Anna "Fuck you bitch I hope you die" Bre'Anna yelled.

Serenity could tell that this was a different Bre'Anna and was confused because Bre had been doing so much better over the past few weeks "Thats why yo mama ain't love you and your dad don't have time for you " another student yelled at Bre and it was a wrap from there. 

Bre'Anna broke from the arms of the teacher holding her back and charged to the other girl knocking her to the floor, Serenity jumped up and pulled Bre back. For a little girl she was strong but Serenity kept a hold of her. 

"Bre honey calm down okay" she whispered in her ear but Bre'Anna was screaming and crying 

"You was supposed to be my best friend" Bre'Anna yelled.

"Your own mama ain't wanna be your friend you really think I want to hang out with you" the girl yelled, "dumb lonely hoe" she finished her sentence.

Serenity kept her grip on Bre' "Get her the hell out of here now" she yelled at the teacher, Serenity was pissed that she allowed the other girl to stand there saying such rude things, they should have been separated from the jump.

Principal Bailey came on the office "Bre'Anna you're out I'm done with this behavior and Ms.Banks save your breath I'm serious, I can't take this anymore" he yelled.

Serenity got pissed off, how could he expell her without knowing the situation for the first time Bre had the right to act like this but Serenity couldn't say what she wanted to him now, Bre was her main priority.

"Bre come with me okay" Serenity said quietly, she didn't have an office so she settled with the teacher's lounge that was located in the counselor's office.

Bre'Anna's eyes were red and puffy from crying, her face was swollen and blotchy and she still had a stream of tears rolling down her face. Seeing her like this broke Serenity's heart, Bre was always such a strong girl but it was clear she had been holding stuff inside.

Serenity hugged her for a long time without saying anything, this is what she needed more than any speech, Bre needed to know that someone was there for her.

"I don't have a mom" Bre'Anna said and started to cry harder, tears began to fall from Serenity's face. She knew children were mean but how could someone throw that in her face.

"She's right, I don't have anyone. My family wants nothing to do with me and I don't have any friends" she said, she broke down even more in Serenity's arms, she had all of her weight leaning on her and she held her up.

"That's not true sweetheart, you have your father and he loves you very much" Serenity said smoothing down Bre'Anna's hair.

"My mom left me in the hospital when I was only 30 minutes old" she cried "thats how much she hated me, now she has a new family and she loves both of her new daughters, I ruined her and my fathers relationship they would still be together if it wasn't for me" Bre'Anna struggled to say.

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